Chapter nine

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It had been almost a week after Mon-el had been discharged from the confines of the DEO. His wound had almost completely healed, leaving just a small scar where he had been shot. He owed his full recovery to none other than Kara of course who had been taking care of him non stop.

Kara had already left for work at CatCo, leaving Mon-el to an empty apartment. He thought about paying Winn a visit so that they could catch up on some Star Wars but he figured Winn might be busy at the DEO. So he decided that he would surprise Kara at work instead.

Now a normal boyfriend would bring their girlfriend some flowers or chocolate but he knew Kara. The best way to surprise her would be with her favorite food. And that was pot stickers. He stopped by her favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered two servings. After all, these were for none other than Supergirl herself.

But then he felt maybe he should go all out so he bought a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers as well.

He made his way to the elevator and proceeded to Kara's desk outside of Cat's office but instead he saw Eve. Oh right, he forgot that Kara had her own office now ever since she became a reporter. He was about to turn around and head to her office when someone called him.

"Mike?" Eve asked.
He turned around and walked up to her desk.

"Hey Eve. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm great!", she said, "What brings you to CatCo? Come to think of it I haven't seen you around for a while."

"Yeah, I was... uh.... sick." he said.

"Oh and I came to see Kara." he told her.

"Her office is on the floor above this one. It was great seeing you again." she smiled.

"You too Eve. Bye now." he replied as he walked back to the elevator.

He knocked on her door twice but gently this time. He could still remember her complaining about the last time he accidentally broke her door.

"Come in!" she said.

He kept the flowers and potstickers hidden behind his back as he poked his head around the door.

"Hey." he smiled.

"Mon-el! What are you doing here?" she said as she got up.

"Well I knew you've been working hard between being a journalist, taking care of me and being,.......... Supergirl" he whispered that last part.

"So I decided to surprise you with...... potstickers!!!" he pulled the box out from behind him.

"Yayyyy!" Kara exclaimed as she grabbed the box and opened it, immediately shoving a potsticker into her mouth.

"Thergh umpu" she tried to say.

Mon-el laughed, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

She swallowed, her cheeks suddenly turning red, "I said thank you... for the potstickers."

"You are most welcome." he replied

"Now I know you may already be thinking that I'm the best boyfriend ever, but I have something else for you." he smirked.

"Hmm, come to think of it that was soo not even close to what I could've been thinking." she teased.

"Well if you weren't, then you will now." he said as he pulled the bouquet of flowers from behind him.

" Oh my god, Mon-el! They're beautiful!" she squealed as she inhaled their sweet smell.

"How did you know that lillies were my favorite?" she asked.

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