Chapter seven

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For the past few days, Kara had spent most her time visiting Mon-el at the DEO. Crime in National City seemed to have dropped tremendously, which meant she had a lot of free time on her hands.

She tried everything to keep him occupied. She would play Monopoly with him, bring him her collection of Harry Potter books after he complained he was dying of boredom.
She even gave him back his phone that he had left in her apartment a few weeks ago so that he could call her if he needed anything. She thoroughly regretted that choice as he would randomly text her in the early hours of the morning. And her thinking he was in trouble or something was wrong usually turned out to be something so silly as a knock knock joke or random emojis.

She knew he was becoming restless being cooped up in the DEO for so long but she stood by her decision. She wasn't letting him leave until she was sure it was safe for him.

Fortunately for him, that would end up being today.

"Mon-el, we are discharging you today. You are free to leave." the doctor said as Mon-el reacted like a kid who was just given candy.

"Are you sure he's okay? What about the lead?" Kara asked.

" We checked and all of the lead has left his system. His wound should be fully healed in about a week." the doctor answered.

"Ok then, let's get you to my apartment then." she said as she helped him up.

"Thank you for everything these past few weeks." Mon-el said to the doctor but Kara chose to show her thanks with a glare.

"C'mon, we're almost there," Kara said as she helped Mon-el walk down the hallway.

"Karaaaa.... I can walk on my own you know." Mon-el complained.

"Fine. Then walk." she challenged him as she let him go.

He tried to take a step forward before almost falling on his face. Luckily with her superspeed, she caught him easily.

"You may have been shot in the chest Mon-el but you're still weak. I'm sure you are still in pain." she guessed.

"Pfttt, I'm fine. It's gonna take more than a little bullet to stop me." he tried to sound confident but it didn't really help that he was waddling like a three legged penguin.

Truth be told, his chest hurt like hell. But he wasn't gonna let her know that.

"And we're here." she said as she turned her key into the doorknob.

After she had settled him in on the couch, she was about to close the door when Winn showed up.

"Hey Kara, is Mon-el here?" he asked.

"Yeah, come in Winn." she invited.

"Hey dude, I see they finally released you. Sorry, I meant to visit you more often but Lyra has been keeping me busy. If you know what I mean." he winked.

Kara put her hand to her face. While she was happy for Winn, she did not need to know that.

"It's cool man. But now that I'm back, we should catch up on some Star Wars. I still didn't finish the last one." he said.

"Well, I gotta get back to the DEO but when you're ready, gimme a call and we'll meet up." Winn said as he grabbed the door.

"Will do. Later dude." Mon-el waved.

"Bye. Bye Kara." Winn left.

"Sooo... what do you wanna do now?" she asked.

"Well, I could think of a few things," he said flirtatiously.

"I told you I'm not giving you any more kisses." she reinforced.

"I thought you were joking!!" he pouted.


"So, what you're saying is that you don't wanna kiss me right now?" he questioned.

She put on her best poker face and kept her answer short,

"No, I don't."

He laughed, "Tell that to your crinkle."

She scowled. She forgot about that damn thing.

So yes. Maybe she did want to kiss him. But she wasn't gonna let him win. No way, she was the girl of steel for crying out loud.

"Let's just watch a movie." she sighed.
"Okay, but anything besides Frozen. No offence to Elsa, but I'm not into the whole singing princess thing." he complained.

Kara chuckled as she remembered the time she forced him to watch it with her. It wasn't too long ago. He said that he could never get that damn song out of his head ever since.

"Fine, we can watch Finding Dory then." she decided.

"Is that the one with the fishes? " he looked so adorable as he asked.

"Um, yeah it is." Kara confirmed trying not to admire how cute he looked when he wasnt sure about something.

"Okay, it's starting." she said.


Midway into the movie, Kara was about to ask Mon-el if he was enjoying it but she found him fast asleep with his head gently resting on her shoulder. She took this as an opportunity to give him a quick kiss. At least that way he would never remember it.

She slowly got up and laid him down on the couch carefully. She then grabbed a blanket from her bed and placed it on top of him. She then switch her tv off.

She was about to go change into her pajamas when she heard him mutter,
"I knew you wanted to kiss me."

He grinned cheekily with his eyes still closed. "Just go to sleep." she huffed.

"Goodnight beautiful." he said.

Damn, even when he was annoying her he still managed to make her feel loved.

"Goodnight, Mon-el." she responded.

I've been thinking about writing a one shot about the Supergirl finale. I had an idea that I haven't really seen done anywhere. Lemme know if you would like to see it.~ Karishma.

Tell me you don't love me ~ A Karamel Story (Supergirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें