Chapter forty-one

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In celebration of Chris and Melissa's Star Wars Gingerbread house.😂❤

"Let's just get this over with

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"Let's just get this over with." she huffed.

" Hey, no need to be so grumpy. It'll be fun I promise!" he tried to convince her as they put on their aprons.

" Easy for you to say Mister Iron Chef." she replied sarcastically.

" Har har. Let's get started. Could you grab the ingredients that I bought?" he said as he gestured to the counter top.

Kara walked over and grabbed the bags of items and brought them into the kitchen.

" So what exactly are we making?" she asked with her nose scrunched.

" Oh, only the best brownies in the world!" he exaggerated.

" I'll be the judge of that. So what's first?" she asked.

"First.....we gotta preheat the oven, I'd say about 350° C should be good." he said.

" Ok, that I can do." she said.

"Then, we have to mix the the sugar and butter until it's fluffy. Usually it takes a while, but with superspeed we'll be done in no time." he said as he handed her a whisk.

" Okay, it's just whisking Kara, I can do this." she said to herself as Mon-el chuckled.

Less than a minute later, she had finished whisking.

" Okay, your turn." she said.

" So, now I'll add the eggs, the vanilla and for a special surprise, some espresso dissolved in water." he smiled as he combined everything.

" Could you grease the baking tin and line it with parchment while I melt some chocolate?" he asked.

" Sure, seems easy enough." she shrugged.

Kara set aside the tin as the chocolate melted.

"Okay, while we wait for that to melt, let's combine the dry stuff." he instructed.

" We've got some flour, some cocoa powder and just a pinch of salt." he said calmly.

"How are you so calm when cooking? At this point I'm literally trying to stop my apartment from burning down!" she complained.

" You just have to go slow and be confident I guess. Eventually you get the hang of it." he shrugged.

"Okay, now the chocolate goes in this bowl and then the dry stuff goes in the wet stuff." he instructed.

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