Chapter seventeen (😭)

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Kara had been pacing in her apartment for the last half an hour. She was almost surprised she hadn't burned a hole in the floor of her apartment. She was so nervous. She knew he would come see her anytime now, being the incredible person he is. To try and comfort her with whatever was bothering her. But this time it was different. Because she couldn't explain this to him. If she told him the reason she was breaking up with him was to protect him, he would never let her. And despite how strong she was, she didn't know if she could hold her ground if she looked into his eyes for so long.

The only way she could pull this off was to lie to him. Make him believe that she was unhappy. Give him no other choice than to walk away. She just hoped she could be convincing enough. Usually she was good at making others believe her when she lied for their well being but this wasn't just anyone.

This was Mon-el. The person she loved. The only person who could see right through her when she put on a different face.

She was startled by the knock on her door. She didn't even have to use her x-ray vision. She knew it was him.

"It's now or never, Kara." she muttered to herself before opening the door and putting on her best serious face.

"Hey." she said sullenly.

"Kara? Is everything okay? What's going on with you?" he sounded worried.

Great, she thought. This is going to be way harder than she thought.

"Um,.... why don't you come in?" she said completely avoiding his question.

"Okay?" he was really confused now.

"Why don't we sit down." she suggested as she leaded him towards the couch.

They sat for a while but she stayed silent for a minute, deciding the best way to go about doing this. Suddenly, her fingers were looking more interesting.

"Kara, you're really starting to worry me." he told her.

"I'm fine Mon-el. I just,..... something's changed for me okay?"

"What? What has changed?"

"I don't understand Kara."

"It's,.... it's just not...not working out." she looked up at him.

"What's not working out? Is this about your job?" he was genuinely lost.

"No Mon-el. Not my job. I meant this." she gestured between them.

She took a deep breath, "Us."

His face changed immediately. He went from utter confusion to sadness in a second.

She looked back down. She couldn't look him in the eye. Not now.

"Did I do something wrong? Because I can fix it." he reached for her hand but she pulled it away harshly and got up from the couch with her back facing him.

She needed to prepare herself for what she would say next.

She heard him get up from the couch.

"No Mon-el. There's nothing that you can fix. I thought I was happy. But........ I just don't feel the same way I used to." she spat convincingly.

Well that stung he thought. He wasn't enough for her. So much so that she lost any feelings for him. This couldn't be true could it?

"And why not?" he asked, " Is this about who I used to be? A coward? Because I'm not that guy anymore, Kara. I've changed. And it's because of you...........Isn't, isnt that enough?

Tears began welling up in her eyes but she pushed them back down immediately. No. She had to stay strong. But him feeling like he wasnt enough for her made her feel disgusted with herself. Because she was the one that made him feel that way.

"It's not about you Mon-el. I realized that I convinced myself that this could work. That I was happy. But truthfully, I'm not. Not.......not with you." she recited.

She turned around to face him but that was a mistake when she saw how sad he looked.

"Kara, please. I love you okay?" he stepped towards her and grabbed her arms.

"I,.... I swear, with everything that I have......... I love you. Please don't give up on us." he begged.

She looked down. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way. Not anymore."

He looked at her in disbelief as he let go of her arms.

"I don't believe you." he said.

She almost thought he figured her out. But she had to keep up the act.

" And why not?" she frowned as she tried to look angry.

"Because you have barely looked me in the eyes since I came here." he said.

"Kara, if you really feel the way that you do, then why don't you look at me and say it? he challenged, his voice cracking.

"I don't have to prove anything to you Mon-el. I'm telling you how I feel and you should respect that! Just go Mon-el. It's over." she belted out.

"No!" he refused his voice louder.

"I'm not gonna just give up on us."

"I'm not leaving this apartment until you look me straight in the eyes, and tell me you don't love me!"

She had to do it. One finishing move to succeed in her plan. To keep him safe. If this could make him give up on them then she had no choice.

So she looked up at him slowly until her eyes met his. She held back the tears and she stepped closer to him. Until their noses were almost touching.

" I.....don'" she said in the most vicious way possible, putting emphasis on each word.

"I never did." she added reluctantly.

He opened his eyes wide, allowing a new wave of tears to fill them.

Looks like he bought it, she told herself.

She looked back down and brushed past him, hitting him on his shoulder a little too roughly and opened her apartment door.

He turned around in shock.

"Kara. Kara, please don't." he begged.

" No, I can't do this anymore. Just go.
It's..... it's over Mon-el." she forced.

With that he looked down, almost breaking into tears right  there  and walked out of her apartment as requested.

As soon as he left she quickly shut the door, sinking to the floor and allowing all the tears she choked down to emerge.

That was by far, the hardest thing she ever had to do.

She cried into her hands. No matter how much she wiped her eyes, they kept coming.

Alex was right. She really did break his heart. But at least he would be safe. Alive.

And that's all that mattered.

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Till next time~ Karishma.

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