Chapter twenty-one

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Mon-el was still kind of out of it when they arrived back at the DEO. His throat burned and his eyes still stung, but he could breathe now. Kara and Alex still held him up despite his complaints that he was fine.

" Did you guys find out what Metallo wanted?" Jonn asked.

"No sir, while he was seen at L-Corp he never entered the building. He just stood at the doors waiting, almost like he was expecting us." Alex answered.

"You mean, he wanted Supergirl to show up? But why? That seems like too obvious of a plan for a wanted criminal." Jonn said.

" Well looks like it worked, because he managed to come prepared for both Kara and Mon-el." Alex filled him in.

"C'mon, we should get you guys examined to be safe." she dragged them to the med bay.

"Kara, you should get under the yellow sun lamps to regain your strength." Alex insisted.

"I will take care of Mon-el." she said.

Kara nodded before perching herself up on the platform and turning the lights on. She felt her strength slowly begin to return and her chest hurt a lot less than it did before. She closed her eyes and relaxed her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Alex sat Mon-el down in a separate corner of the room and began examining his eyes with a tiny but powerful flashlight.

" Your eyes are a little bloodshot. But your reflexes seem fine." she told him.

" Does your throat hurt when you speak?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but only when I answer stupid obvious questions." he said icily.

Alex chose to ignore that since she knew he must still be upset about him and Kara.

"Okay........ are you in any other pain?" she asked.

"Yeah." he said grimly.

"Where? Show me." she looked at him.

" I can't. It's not physical." he looked down.

She was confused at first but she quickly caught on.


She really didn't know where to go from there. Even though she supported her sister, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. Of course it wasn't hard since he had been constantly frowning for the last few days. But she had to say she was impressed by his insistence on going with them to this mission. Despite what happened between him and Kara, she knew he still loved and cared about Kara. If they ever got back together, she was sure that he would support Kara through thick and thin and that's all she wanted for her sister.

" Okay, you'll be fine, but you should stay here tonight in case anything happens." she warned as Kara turned the sun lights off and made her way towards them. Mon-el saw her coming and immediately got up.

"I don't want to stay here. I'm going back to my room." he said as he tried to push past her, but Kara got in his way.

"Mon-el, you listen to Alex. She knows what she is doing. She just wants to make sure you are fine." she said sternly.

"Yeah, well I don't think that a night's sleep in here is gonna make everything fine, is it?" he looked her straight in the eye.

She was taken aback by the severity of his tone.

" What's that supposed to mean?" she asked angrily. But she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Nothing.......I, just..... I'm outta here." he tried to move around her but she stopped him again.

"No. If Alex says you should stay here, then you are going to stay here." she folded her arms.

" And if I don't want to?" he asked.

" Hey, I didn't tell you to come on this mission! I could have handled it by myself! You were the one that insisted on coming." she shouted.

" Really Kara?!! You could have handled it?! It didn't look that way to me when you were on the floor while kryptonite radiation was being shot at your chest!!!! I'm sorry if I wanted to make sure you're alright!!!" he shouted angrily.

" And instead, you got hurt!!!! So just listen to us and stay here for observation!! You could still have side effects from that gas!!" she said firmly.

"Why do you even care???" he asked.

"Because I do! Just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean I  don't still care about you!!!" she screeched frustratedly.

"Um, guys......." Alex tried to intervene as they had both managed to get the attention of the entire DEO with their incessant shouting. But she was unsuccessful, as they were so focused on each other.

" Just listen to us and stay here Mon-el!!! You got hurt on the mission. You could have died for all we know!!! Gosh, why are you so stubborn?!!"

They both shared an intense stare before tears started building up in his eyes. Kara's face softened when she noticed this and was about to say something but he spoke before she could get a chance.

" You know something Kara? Everything you said to me that night? It hurt more than the bullet wound did, more than than the countless hours of torture at the hands of Cadmus. More than the lead gas that I was just attacked with. More than all of those things combined. And it always will." he said softly as he tried to choke back his tears.

"So don't worry about whether I'm hurt now." he added.

Then he just left her standing there dumbfounded, looking into the space he was just standing in.

Kara felt a single tear escape her eye as it rolled down her cheek. Only then she realized that more were coming, but she couldn't stop them. She couldn't believe he had said that. She couldn't believe that was how horrible she made him feel.

"Kara? You okay?" Alex touched her on the shoulder.

" No. No I'm not." she wiped her tears away.

"Come here." Alex said as she enveloped her sister into a hug.

"It'll be fine Kara. He will get over it." she tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, but will I?" she asked deflatedly.

"C'mon, I think it's time we had a sister night." she said as she pulled her out of the med bay.

Hey Guys, sorry it took so long to update. Anyways, here it is. Don't forget to vote, comment and all that good stuff. If you haven't already, check out my other story, " You're my all and more".

Anyways, bye for now ~~~~~~ Karishma.

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