Annoying Relatives

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1) The aunt who always boasts about her children's accomplishments.

Ok, this might be unique to Indian families because almost every single one of my aunts boast about their kids. For example, we'll just be eating dinner and my aunt will suddenly say something like "Did you know that Jess got first place in *insert random sports competition*?"  or "Dylan got straight As". And this announcement is always followed by the question, "So, what does your daughter do?" 

Reality check. Your son is a freaking pervert who writes weird pervertic things to girls on MMPORGs and your daughter skips exams. So before you make my self-esteem plummet (and make me feel like absolute shit in the process), how about you shut the hell up and go sort out your own kids because they are a hot effing mess.

2) The annoying little cousin

Oh My God. I have this 6 year old cousin who has got to be the world's most spoiled kid. Whenever we go to church, he will always throw a fit. Now, most parents would just smack their kid but my aunt and uncle just buy him a ton of candy to cheer him up. You would've thought that he'd just shut up right? In actual fact, he doesn't. He will scream at his parents and scream "YOU GOT ME THE WRONG FLAVOUR! YOU'RE SO STUPID!" at the top of his lungs, forcing everybody in church (even the pastor) to look at us. I hate going out with him because he makes our family look like a freaking circus.

Also, he calls me a "f*cking idiot". Guys, bear in mind that I'm 10 years his senior and that he is 6 years old. Yeah, I think you get my point. He also has to be fed by his maid because he's too lazy to eat by himself. 

I also have another cousin (who's 3 years old) and she follows me everywhere. If I tell her to leave me alone, she will say that I hit her and my parents would scold me. 

3) The over achieving cousin

This is the type of cousin who got full marks on her SATs, goes to Harvard University, looks like a model and plays sports.

I just cannot stand her because she acts like a goody two shoes. She's just so impossibly nice to the adults that you just feel like strangling her. "Auntie, you look so tired, can I massage your back?" or "I baked some cookies for you!". Now, I normally wouldn't mind someone being nice but she is just so mean to the other kids. She'll be like, "Hey Jac, I heard that you only got a low A for math, you're such a loser." And I'm just standing there, trying to refrain from punching her in the face.

4) The self-esteem wrecker

This is a typical conversation with my grand aunt.

Aunt: Did you gain weight?

Me: Uh...yes?

Aunt: You see! You're so bloody lazy! You look so fat that no boy will ever want to date you!

Me: I'm actually underweight.

Aunt: No you're not! You're so fat *blah blah blah*


Aunt: Girl, I heard that you got a B+ for your exam.

Me: Yeah, it was such a tough paper.

Aunt: You're so bloody stupid. You'll never get into Harvard University. *blah blah blah*


That's all for today guys! If you like this rant then vote for it and leave your comments down below. I'm really sorry for not updating in 6 months, I'll try my best to update more frequently. :D 

Question of the day: Do you have any annoying relatives? 

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