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I live in an extremely conservative society (not gonna mention my country, though) where gay marriage is illegal. On top of that, it is illegal for gay men to have sexual intercourse with one another (i.e. you could go to jail) and of course, adopting a child is illegal as well. Now, I believe that homosexuality is a hot topic at the current moment. There are many, wonderful people whom believe that homosexuals should be given the same rights as heterosexuals but then you have a few conservatives who..well, to put it simply, they are assholes whom are homophobic. Hopefully, this "rant" will help to advocate for LGBT rights and also to help members of the LGBT+ community to feel less alone in this whole thing.

When people say that homosexuality is a choice, it annoys me to no end. Seriously, why would someone deliberately choose to love the same sex if it means that people are going to discriminate against them? Why would somebody put themselves through the emotional torment of being shunned by one's friends/family? Ok, you get my point. There have been numerous scientific studies which have shown that homosexuality is something that you are born with, its in your genes. So you don't just wake up one day and go, "Hmmm, I'm gonna be gay today!" It's just like being straight. You don't just wake up one day and realise that you want to be straight. Sexual orientation is a genetic thing. Thus, when religious parents try to send their gay children to "boot camps" to make them "normal", it doesn't work. You're just making your kid miserable because firstly, boot camps suck and secondly, you're showing that you're not understanding. A parent is supposed to love their kid no matter what and if you can't love them for who they are, you, my friend, are a shitty parent. 

The most common form of homophobia is probably bullying (verbal, cyber, physical etc.) I really don't understand why someone would get bullied for their sexual orientation. What is so bad about loving someone? I simply can't wrap my head around why people would oppose true love. Let's go back to bullying. On the Internet, we see a shit ton of "internet warriors". These people comment rude and hurtful things about the LGBT community by calling them "fags", "freaks of nature" or simply telling them to "rot in hell". I feel disgusted when I see these comments because these people are deliberately putting down someone they don't know just to boost their self-esteem/ego or to make themselves seem "cool". Bullying causes depression, especially amongst teenagers who are just trying to be accepted for who they are. Adolescence is a time where everyone feels the need to be accepted by society so if one is shunned by society, that could lead to feelings of isolation which could again lead to depression and possibly even suicide. To these "internet warriors", are you capable of living with the guilt of causing someone's death? Are you able to live with yourself, knowing that you've caused someone to sink into the depths of depression?

"Gay" is often used as an insult but I really don't understand the negative connotations behind it. Is it that bad to be gay? I mean, you're just loving another human being. There's nothing wrong with that.

Moving on to the next point about religion. Religion is quite a touchy subject so I'm going to try to explain my point without offending any religious people. People quote the bible when they say that homosexuality is a sin. Guess what? Giving women equal rights as men is a sin as well! Oh, and lying, which is something people do a lot of, is a sin too. Basically, almost everything you do in modern day society is a sin. Hence, by your own logic, you should be condemned as you are sinful as well. I'm not even going to try and explain the inherent flaw in that argument. Anyways, some people might not even believe in your religion. To put it simply, it's like walking up to someone and saying, "Hey, you can't eat cookies because I'm on a diet." It just doesn't make sense. Yeah, you can follow your religion, no one's stopping you from doing that. But could you just keep your toxic opinions to yourself? The world doesn't need them. I'm all up for freedom of speech but I believe that this freedom should be restrained if it causes emotional/psychological harm to a person. 

And for parents who disown their kids for being a part of the LGBT+ community, I don't really have anything to say to you. You're just a huge fucking scumbag who doesn't deserve to have a kid in the first place. 

To all the amazing members of the LGBT+ community, I hope that you guys will stay strong. Remember that if someone in your life is homophobic, they don't deserve to be a part of your life. You're worth more than anything they call you.

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