The Problem with League of Legends-An Open Letter to Riot

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League of Legends is by far the worst game I have ever played. No, it is not the game itself that is bad but rather, it is the community that has intoxicated this once peaceful game. 

Firstly, it's no secret that the League of Legends community is extremely toxic. During every single match, there is at least one rude person in the team. I main support so I usually try to be encouraging by not flaming at someone when they make a minor mistake. However, no matter how hard I try, I can never get the team together. There is always someone who calls me a "cb" or a "bitch". Also, many people have told me to kill myself. Let me set the record straight here. Not playing a game well does not warrant someone to say such hurtful things to you. Do you know what's it's like to be constantly mocked? This is cyber bullying and you have done absolutely nothing to stop it. What if someone actually kills themselves because of this? Would you be like, "Lol, they're a pussy"? No. Because while most of us can deal with immature brats mocking us, some people can't. Are we going to leave these people in a ditch? I hate to say this but if someone actually commits suicide because of the toxic community, the onus is on you. If you prevent cyber bullying from happening all together on your server by dealing harshly with dissidents, I can guarantee you that the community will be a much more peaceful place. I have actually cried while playing because it hurts to be bullied every single day by people you don't even know. You haven't even done anything to them and yet, they wish that you're dead. I report these players, but nothing happens to them. Nothing changes. I don't want flaming to constitute as part of a "normal" LoL match. If you're going to tell someone to quit playing LoL because they're not emotionally strong enough, you are blaming the victim. It's like going up to a rape victim and blaming her for being raped because of her choice of clothing. This is verbal abuse and it cannot be tolerated.

Secondly, this game is sexist. I am a feminist, yes, but I am not a feminazi. There is a vast difference between the two. I made the really awful mistake of revealing my actual feminine name in my username so people are sexist towards me. They don't let me play anything other than "support" because that is a woman's role. People make extremely sexist remarks which I will further elaborate on in awhile. I believe that women should have equal rights as men. If men are allowed to play certain roles, why can't we? Why do we have to be degraded and disrespected just because of our gender? Is this equality? What bothers me the most isn't sexist remarks such as "make me a sandwich, b*tch", it's when men sexually harass me. I am a 16 year old girl. Even though I explicitly state that I am not interested in them and tell them to stop, they continuously send me sexually explicit messages. And yes, I have tried blocking them but they make separate accounts to further harass me. My privacy has been invaded and I will absolutely not tolerate this. I am not a sexual object. I am a human being with feelings and I will not allow anyone to wipe the floor with me. Being a woman shouldn't have to make me endure more humiliation than my male counterparts. Let me stress this again. I want LoL to be a friendly, welcoming place for people of all genders, not just for women. I want to be treated as an equal. 

While we're on the point of sexism, let's talk about the champions in LoL. I know that approximately 92% of your playerbase comprises of men and that you make female champions look slutty as a marketing gimmick. However, you are fuelling sexism. Young men look at these pictures of objectified women and think that women are to be treated as sex objects. If they have this skewed ideology since adolescence, how will they treat women when they grow up? Skins like kitty cat katarina and battle bunny riven do nothing to help alleviate this situation, they merely aggravate it. It is profitable for your company to sexually objectify women but I raise you this question. Do you want to be responsible for the future generations treating women in such a degrading manner? If you wish to nip the problem in the bud, I suggest removing these skins as soon as possible.

Lastly, the ranked system is completely unbalanced. Do you know how hard I've tried to climb out of bronze? It is practically impossible. I get trolls, afkers and flamers every game. This elo is not a representation of my true skill level in this game. Today, I was on a losing streak, losing ten ranked games in a row. You know why? There was this troll vayne that kept feeding. I reported her during the first match but she was on my team again during the second and third match. Is your reporting system really that awful? These reports do nothing to help the situation. From the looks of things, the tribunal system merely exists as some sort of superficial thing to make this game look more appealing. I know that you can't rid the community of trolls, but could you actually punish them to deter other people who may want to troll? This is basic human psychology. If people know that there are no consequences for their actions, what is to stop them from trolling again? But what really pissed me off today was this one match. It was a 2v5 and obviously, the enemy team won. How is this match even fair? Can't your systems detect a clearly unfair match and devoid it? Because of this match, I have lost my place in Bronze division 1 and I have fallen to division 2, because of something that isn't even my fault. I got a better score than the enemy team, for God's sake. I was more fed than them and yet, I lost. This is unacceptable. I demand that you take corrective action and return me to my deserved division. Also, I don't deserve to be in bronze. Could you perhaps think of some way to make me not get trolls and afkers in every game? Seriously, I've lost ten games straight because even though I carry, some lane deliberately feeds the enemy team. This is not fair what-so-ever as it is not a true reflection of my skill. If someone loses, do you just put them in the "bad" team so that they can continue to lose? I suggest that instead of pitting players against each other, you make a 1v1 type of match to place them into a division. Like, you could have an AI bot at a high difficulty level. If one can defeat that bot, you can decide which division to put them in. Now, that is a true display of skill. It is not due to luck or anything like that. I also find it unfair that placement matches have such a huge impact on your ranked career. Like I said, if you get a troll on your team, it is not a true reflection of your skill. You are being punished for someone else's mistakes. If you lose 1 ranked game, it brings you down by an entire division. How is that even fair?

Anyways, thanks for reading this "rant" and I hope that it strikes a chord in some of you. The QOTD is: How do you deal with flamers?

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