Types of annoying people on League of Legends

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1) The noob (not the troller)

Ok, we've all been this person before. This isn't just any kind of noob, though, this is the real noob. This is the guy who makes you question how the fuck he got placed with you even though you're level 30. Legit, this guy will walk into an enemy turret, run into the entire fucking enemy team and leave base with no items. Bro, you need items to play. Don't give me shit about how you can go 20/0 with katarina without any items. Oh, and the most annoying this is when they feed the enemy. Seriously, why would you feed fucking katarina?! WHYYYYY! The worst is when you get one of them in your promos and you lose even though its not even your fault. I legit got the same dude who fed in 2 of my placement matches. RIP Silver division.

2) The flamer

We all have met at least one person who's a complete asshole. As in, they not only whine the whole game but verbally abuse the whole team. It's like you're never good enough for these people. "Oh, your ward expired and you stole 1 entire cs from your adc? NOOB SONA RP AFTER THE GAME." or " FUCKING NOOB TEAM. FEEDERS." These people probably make it their life's goal to piss you off. I know you can just mute them but you will always get this urge to defend yourself and unfortunately, you'll give them the attention they want. Seriously, though, these people can make you lose the game because you're either blinded by anger or you're just typing to defend yourself. Oh, and let me address Dunkey on one of his videos. Reporting someone for verbal abuse doesn't make you a fucking pussy. In fact, the person flaming at you is a fucking moron himself because he feels the need to abuse people over a fucking video game. I don't care if someone is a noob or an intentional feeder, they're still human beings and you have no fucking right to abuse them. For fuck's sake, just report the feeder after the game, do you really need to call him a degenerate? Now, I'm guilty of flaming too but the difference is, I accept my mistakes and try to change. I might be fucking pissed if my support steals 10 kills *cough* sona *cough* from me but I have no right to verbally harass him and I acknowledge that. You can express your thoughts, but you should do it in a more constructive manner. Ie,"Sona, please don't steal my kills." See, it's better. Ask yourself this, would you personally want to listen to someone if they make you feel like shit? Also, take responsibility for your own mistakes. It isn't the team's fault if you have literally 0 map awareness and walk into the enemy team. And it sure as hell isn't the jungler's fault for not "ganking" (or camping) your lane if you're feeding. You made the mistake so suck it up and fucking admit it.

3) The "support"

Holy fucking shit this annoys me so much. ANNIE IS NOT A MOTHERFUCKING SUPPORT. I'm so sick of people who play Annie and *insert non support's name here* . You're the support. You're not supposed to get the kills. You're supposed to protect your adc and help them to secure kills. You need to provide them with the utility that they don't have. You're not supposed to be one shotting the adc and making them bang their heads against the table because of how fucking broken level 6 Annie is!As an Ashe main, it annoys me whenever I have an Annie support because every single Annie support I've played with ends up getting more fed than me by ksing me a million fucking times. That's not a bad thing but if you wanted mid, you could've just called for it. Sending anyone with over 100AP to bot lane makes them a fucking Mage. They're not a support just because they bought sightstone or have a shitty ass slow. I honestly hate laning against vel koz because he keeps knocking you up as though you're a senior in high school (don't kill me). How the flying fuck am I supposed to farm when he chunks me for half of my health with his stupid ass harass? Also, fuck all the blitz mains out there. Legit, I'm more scared of blitz than his adc because he does so much damage by himself. He can literally 1v1 an adc after level 6 and that's just bullshit. Also, that grab. It's nightmare inducing.

4) Ungrateful bastards

While I do main adc, I main support as well. Now, support is probably the worst role to play after jungler because you get blamed for almost everything. Adc got caught? Omg, everyone is going to flame you for being bad! You took a cs from a vayne? Watch her go ape shit on you. Your ward expired? GG NOOB SUPPORT NO VISION. Your adc-ok, I think you get my point. As a support, I can try my best to keep you alive but if you keep doing idiotic things like tower diving when they're at half health, I can't do shit! I can try to heal you but my heals as soraka are on a 2 second cooldown, I can't heal you every single second. I can't prevent you from dying if you get killed when the jungler ganked and I told you to back because I saw him on the minimap. I can't be blamed for you having 0 map awareness or unskilled. Also, it really bugs me when the team doesn't try warding. I can only have 3 green wards out at once, how the fuck am i supposed to ward the whole goddamn map for you? I can totally understand you being mad at me for taking your cs but do you really have to rage at me the whole game? Do you really have to blame me for all of your mistakes? Being a support is like being in an abusive relationship. You just keep coming back to your lane no matter how much they abuse you because you need them to win. I just think that if we stop all the blame, league will be a better place.

Sorry for the shitty spelling, I'm typing this on my ipad. Part 2 is coming out soon so do stay tuned for that! I'll love to hear your comments on types of summoners you hate too. XD


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