Why I dislike some of my classmates

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A/N: You and I probably come from different schools so understand that this is my experience from my school (not your experience from your school). Anyways, enjoy!

1) The girls are super cliquey.

I honestly believe that every girl in my school is in a clique except for me. I have nothing against cliques but I absolutely hate it when they feel the need to exclude the "uncool" people from their clique just because they don't want their unpopularity to rub off on them. Wow, I just realised how weird that statement sounds.

 "Aww...sorry...you can't sit with us because...um...you're like, weird. Oh my God, sitting like you would be like committing social suicide!"

2) They sabotage you.

I am literally the only person in my class whom gets sabotaged by these dumbasses. Is it because I'm too nice (maybe smiling at everyone is a sign of weakness)? I've been yelled at in front of my entire class countless times because I'm sitting in between two of the most popular girls in my class (ugh) and they always pass notes to each other in class. Now, I don't give a damn if you pass notes in class but don't shove it onto my desk to make it look like I was the one passing the bloody note! Of course, there are many more ways in which they sabotage me but this is one of the more frequent methods of sabotaging that they use.

Classmate: Pass this note to Gillian.

Me: Um...I can't..sorry

Classmate: *Pushes note onto my desk*

Teacher: Jacquelynn, why are you passing notes during my class?

Me: But...she-

Teacher: I don't want to hear your excuse! Blah blah blah!

I hate you so freaking much.

3) They annoy you during class.

To be honest, this doesn't happen that often...

Teacher: *Drones on and on about a topic that you don't give a damnabout*

Classmate: *Jabs me from behind*

Me: *Sighs*

Classmate: *Does it again*

Me: *Whispers* Please stop it.

Classmate: *Does it again*

Me: Stop it!

Teacher: *Turns around* Jacquelynn! Stop talking during class!'

4) They are snobby.

I hate to say this but I believe that the rumour is true. Private school girls (not all of them) are generally snobbish (this is me talking from many years of experience in a private school). 

Classmate: *Flips hair* Oh my Gosh, look at my new *insert brand name* handbag! My daddy got it for me! It was kinda cheap though. It was only, like, $500...(No, I'm not jealous. Honey, if you want people to like you, don't bring your Louis Vuitton or Prada wallet to school and talk about how cheap it is and how you dislike it.)

5) They can behaves like donkeys or female dogs sometimes...(I'm trying not to curse here)

There are just too many examples to list for this one.

6) They hide my things.

Ok, so I was absent from school for a month and my classmates decided that they were going to hide away all of the unpopular girl's things so that she won't have her file to revise from when the common test draws near. Well, thanks guys. *Maximum amount of sarcasm intended*

Question of the day: Do you guys hate (or dislike) any of your classmates? What did they do to piss you off?

I hope you guys enjoyed this rant. :)If you did, make sure to click the vote button and share it with your friends! :D 

<3 Jally 

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