Chapter 5-Portkey

Start from the beginning

"What made you think that we'll tell Mum about this?" said Fred, smiling down at me.

"We're not that stupid," said George, as I chuckled whiles rolling my eyes at them.

"Besides, you kept your promise. You helped us," said Fred, still smiling.

"It's only a little bit," I said, shaking my head.

"What do you mean a little bit?" said George, raising an eyebrow.

"You sent us those list of ideas, remember?... Well, they're gone now since Mum got it, but besides that, you helped us a lot with this project," said Fred, as I smiled at them.

"And, we think that you're the only one who believes that our project to open a joke shop would be successful," added George.

"It may not be long, but you will hate me at some point," I mumbled to myself, as I looked down at the grass.

"What was that?" they asked, making me look up at them.

"Oh, I said it was nothing, I'm happy to help," I said, with a smile. "Now, I'll be keeping those toffees for now, since if anyone else see you with them you'll be once again doomed."

The two agreed, giving me back my purse, before I walked back beside Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny along with Mr. Weasley.

"What sort of objects are Portkeys?" said Harry curiously.

"Well, they can be anything," said Mr. Weasley. "Unobtrusive things, obviously, so Muggles don’t go picking them up and playing with them... stuff they'll just think is litter...."

We walked down the dark, dank lane a village, which I think is the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. The silence was only been broke by our footsteps, whiles the sky above us lightened very slowly as I still see the moon up in the sky.

I felt the cold breeze of the morning went pass by me, as I shiver from the cold. I griped onto the fabric of my sweater, whiles I crossed my arms onto my chest tightly.

We didn't have much breath to talk when we started climbing up the Stoatshead Hill, also trying to avoid a few rabbit holes, slipping on thick black tuffets of grass, whiles Mr. Weasley kept on looking down at his watch.

"Whew," panted Mr. Weasley, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his sweater. "Well, we've made good time - we've got ten minutes...."

Hermione and I climbed up the hill last, as I see Hermione clutching a stitch in her side.

"Now we just need the Portkey," said Mr. Weasley, replacing his glasses and squinting around at the ground. "It won't be big.... Come on...."

We all spread out, trying to find the portkey. Only minutes into trying to find it, there was a shout in the still air.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

Two tall figures silhouetted against the starry sky on the other side of the hilltop.

"Amos!" shouted Mr. Weasley, smiling and then walking up to the man who had shouted earlier, as the rest of us followed behind him.

Mr. Weasley shook hands with a wizard with a scrubby brown beard, who was holding an old moldy-looking boot in his other hand.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," said Mr. Weasley. "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

It was gonna be a lie if anyone who said Cedric wasn't attractive. Cedric Diggory was in fact an extremely handsome boy, and was around seventeen which makes him three years older than me. He was also a Seeker for the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team at Hogwarts.

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