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Since I know myself I always lived in this huge House, the Mountain Lodge where my parents work. It's funny because although it's so huge I never feel alone, there are always people arriving and leaving, it's always booked. I don't see the Mountain Lodge like my parent's workplace, they have been working there since I been borne. My Mom works as a Receptionist and my Dad as a Cook. We're very happy here, we all are like a big family, there's no difference between the Staff and the Owners/Bosses. I remember since I was little going every time to their apartment in the Lodge to play with their kids, Anna, who's 19 and Lucas, who's 21 years old nowadays. There are like my older brothers. They're already in College.

Every year I meet some new people and make some new friends through the Lodge, it's like I'm always welcoming my friends at my huge House!! I love it and the summer is the Time of the Year that I love the most. But this summer is going to be very different!

"Hey Guys!" my Summer Buddies were already at the Lounge when I arrived with my Mom from the Market. "Hey Olivia! What's up? We missed you!!" the girls Jen and Julia shouted when they saw me. "I missed you too, guys!!Where's the rest of the crowd?" I asked excited. "Oh there're already at the back of the Lodge." They said. "Ok, just let me help my Mom and I'll join you, ok?" I smiled at them. "Alright we'll wait for you Liv, but hurry up we have so much to catch up since Spring break! Bye Ms. Lawrence!" they said while they were leaving to meet the guys outside. "Bye Girls! Nice to see you too!" my Mom said laughing.

I quickly helped my Mom with the Groceries and run to meet the Guys and there he best friend..."Hey Liv! Missed you! How are you?" he smiled at me. "Hey Matt! Missed you too!! What's up? Tell me every..."I answered back before we were interrupted. "Hey Matt we're gonna steal Liv a little from you right now!!" Jules and Jen smiled looking at each other. "But guys..." I said "No but Liv, we were waiting for can talk later!!Bye Matt!! Hahahaha!!" He teased us "Oh you're such Girls! We talk later Liv! Don't sweat!!" I smiled back at him while I was dragged by the girls "Ok Matt!"

"So what's new Liv? What happened since we all been together at Spring Break?" this girls loved some good gossip! "Nothing much girls...all the know people arriving...people leaving you know...right?" They smirked at me "Really Liv?! This is just what you have to tell us?! In such a huge Lodge there must something else going on!!" I shook my head "Nope!" They looked shocked at me "Whaaaat? I don't believe it!"...Jen said surprised and Julia asked "Not even boys' news?" I looked shocked at them and answered "No! Are you crazy?!" They looked confused at each other "What? Why?" they both asked. "Umm...because...I don't know...maybe because I just happen to live in the same place where my Parents work?!" I sighted. "Ok...but c'mon you're really telling me you don't even once met some cute guy you were interested in, besides the boys of our group?!" I shook my head "No!" They sighed "Oh Liv!! You suck!" And all of us Three started to laugh, but then it got serious "But now really not even at you're School Liv?" Julia asked. "No, but why is this such a big of a deal all of a sudden?! I want to know about you're news!! What about boys? What happened since Spring Break? Tell me all about it!" I changed the subject and heard them talking all about their news for hours, until it was Dinner Time.

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