„You are not going anywhere! Every bit of this has been recorded, your voice and your words. Don't try to deny this once they arrest you." Every ounce of her sorrow she had felt after hearing the news of Kook's sentence was poured into her words. The inexplicable care she had for her patient who was meant to die, now saved by the one who first sought to destroy him. „What you have done to that poor boy is something no one should be forgiven for!" Scarlet didn't even flinch at her tone, eyes darkening upon seeing the guards behind Hyejin shift nervously and lift their guns. But he turned back to the woman glaring down upon him and nodded obediently.

„Yes I know. Twenty years... It would have only been twelve had I not stepped in..." Reasoned Scarlet with a low murmur, glancing over toward where Kook laid across the room, meeting the faded midnight eyes of a boy he had never met face to face. It was soul shattering to see the shine of an entire galaxy polluted to a flicker of light. If it weren't for the nurses keeping his circulation pumping, Kook would have been lost to the consequence of their separation. Scarlet couldn't help his smile to see that his inhabitant had survived. "Save him. Please..." Was the last thing he whispered to Hyejin before lifting his arms and holding them out to be cuffed.

The entire time he was being bolted into chains he felt those piercing midnight eyes on his neck. They ripped through every bit of his confidence, leaving him with only shame. Eyes so full of pain that could be felt in the stare alone. Scarlet had never shied away from pain, the high it brought too good to avoid. Now, it served a truer purpose, bringing his ego crumbling down until all that remained of Scarlet's conscience was the blithering regret of his existence.

Then they were gone, and he glanced to the side to see that the woman was now crouched down beside the boy laying in a stretcher, eyelids completely sealed as she held his hand and promised to see him soon. That right there ... is the bravest, most powerful person to ever walk the earth. He thought, admiring Jungkook from afar. You put up one hell of a fight.

。〜 ‥ 。。。‥ 〜。

The first sight of baby blue washed out walls and thick musk of disinfectant odours set in panic upon waking. At first he stayed still, silent, because it hurt to move; to breathe. But then he got too curious, eyelids fluttering open to stare at the bowl of fruit painted in oils now hung up on the wall. Where was he? His chest felt tight, Kook closing his eyes to listen for the hammering in his chest.

It is still there. He rejoiced upon picking up the familiar beat. It was different not being controlled, the first time Kook hadn't seemed to care so much about Scarlet being gone. Albeit now, he could see that his life had been so much better without him. There was this sense of relief, like a weight had been untied from his ankle and he could finally run through a field without having to drag this burden along behind him.

No that burden was still there. Anxiety crawled through his body, and out of habit he dug his nails into his palms only to groan in discomfort as he turned his palms over to look at the flared up stitches and the drip running from his wrist to a pole beside him. Beside that pole was someone that surprised him.

„Hyejin," He croaked, fisting his hands carefully and biting his lip at the foreign pain.

„Good morning, Jungkook. How are you feeling?" She asked with a surprising level of joy. Kook nodded slowly, still trying to wake himself up. „Tired?"

„Exhausted," he murmured, smiling weakly up at her as she gestured for a glass of water. She was as gentle as ever as she helped him to tip the cup to his lips, and he downed the refreshment swiftly, throat doused in bile. „Why are you here? What ... What happened to me? To .. him." Hyejin reached out to squeeze her patients arm, unable to hide her grin as she cried excitedly,

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