Dreams and Nightmares

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Christina has gotten really sick, Andy was 8 years old. "Andy you home?" Christina cried out, Andy ran to the room. "Sorry mom, there was a line and-". "Ha Ha it's okay Andy, I understand. Just eat the noodles." Christina said. "You sure, you need to eat as well." Andy said climbing in bed with Christina. She rubbed his head, "No, I'll be fine. I just want you to eat that's all." She said. "Okay, are you feeling better?" Andy asked, Christina wasn't feeling better at all, but worst. She thinks she's gotten sick after a client visit her one day. "Yep, I'm feeling a bit better. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I haven't gave you a haircut in a long time." She said. Andy nodded, "I'll take a shower, I'll be back." He said. Christina nodded, her body has gotten skinny. She's lost so much weight, she can't eat. After Andy took a shower he cuddled up next to his mom. "Mama loves you." She said. Andy closed his eyes, "I love you too." He said.

Days soon turned into weeks. Andy didn't have anymore money to buy food. No more food was in the pantry, just water. Christina hasn't woke up, her body is not a body more like a skeleton. "Mama, wake up please." Andy said stroking his mom's cheeks. He looked at her, "Mama..wake up.." he said. He looked around for any clean clothes. He found his mom's shirt and put it on, it was big but it was the last thing clean. His hair was all messy and long, he was losing weight. "Mama, are you awake?" He asked again, Christina slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Andy. She smiled and slowly moved her hand on his cheek, "I love you, and you need a hair cut." She said. Before she dropped her hand and closed her eyes. Andy's eyes grew wide, "Mama...Mama..MAMA! WAKE UP!" He Yelled shaking her.

Andy felt tears down his face, "Mama! I haven't eaten! You haven't gotten better! MAMA! MOMMY! WAKE UP! I NEED YOU!" He Yelled shaking Christina. He laid on her body, "Mama.....I...I...I...love you too...." He said, through his sobs. He grabbed a blanketed put it around him. He sat on the ground, "Wake up..." he said and fell asleep...

"Hey is Christina here?" A man asked Pete. He chuckled, "You mean Aphrodite? Ha! She's been sick for a long time. No money to go to the doctor. So she's been in bed for weeks now, I'm not surprised. She's been fucking men right and left. Probably got AIDS or a STD from one of them. Ha! She's really good though I can say, I paid her rent and she gave me something else. Also her kid keeps asking me for food, little brat. I was nice to him when she was alive but now not so much. She's in apartment 234." Pete told the man. He looked at him with no emotion and walked up the stairs and open the door. Andy perked up, and heard the door open. Footsteps came closer to him, he said or did nothing. He would want to die so he can be with Christina. The man looked at Christina.

"Oh god. Oh god. Christina. You've lost weight...weight." The man said, Andy looked at him. "She's gone, she's dead. Mom got sick a while back and now she's dead." Andy said. The man looked at him, "Who are you?" He asked. Andy looked at him with tired eyes, "Andrew. Andy for short." He said, the man sat across from him. "I'm Cristian. I..I..I knew Christina. I didn't know she had a kid though." He said. "Oh." Andy said, Cristian was Christina's uncle, Andy's great uncle. He came to see her but she's dead now, he didn't know she had a kid. But now he does, he knew Christina would want Andy to live. "Kid, come on, we're leaving now." He said, Andy stood up, but fell. Cristian picked him up. "Damn kid you're light. You eat?" He asked, "No." Andy said. Cristian took Andy to a restaurant, Andy ate a lot its been five days since he ate. "So why you keep the brat?" Cristian's friend asked. "I couldn't let him die, Christina wouldn't want that." He said.

Cristian's POV
So that's it, that's all Christina left me. A kid, a spoiled little brat. I taught him how to live right, taught him not to be a mama's boy like how he already was. Taught him how to talk to people, fight, clean, and to be a man. "Now kid, enough wearing shit like that. It's time you start dressing like a real man! Here were this, it should fit your tiny body. And throw away that piece of shit shirt, it's time you start acting high class, not low class. People will judge you on looks. I mean come on, I wear cool shit and everyone loves me! And also stop acting like a baby, act like a man! Stand up for yourself and don't take shit from others, got it!?" I said. The kid nodded, "Yes Sir." He said, he looked at his shirt. Think it was his mom's, "Also cut that hair, you don't want to look like a girl do you?" I said. He took a piece of his hair and nodded.

I wasn't trying to be hard on the kid but hey I kinda had to. For him to survive in this world, he grabbed scissors and began to cut his hair. Tears ran down his eyes, "Mama, did a much better done. Cristian can you cut hair?" He asked. "Sorry, I can't." I said honestly. "Mom did so much better." He said sobbing. "Tch, kid like I said, be a man. And men don't cry." I said. He wiped his tears and cut al his hair till it was short, he changed his clothes. He looked much better. A few years past and I leave him, he's old enough. He can fight, he has all the knowledge he needs to survive in this horrible world. I taught him enough, but I didn't teach him one thing that every parent teaches their kid, love~

Christina woke up panicking, she looked around the place and saw Andy sleeping just find. She took a deep breath, "It was just a dream." She said and brought Andy closer to her. But why was she dreaming of her uncle, "Shit." She thought. I've been reading too much manga lately...

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