A Mother's love is strong

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Before we start the story. This was just a plot I came up in my head. I'm too young to have kids lol, but enjoy the story I came up in my head. And DANNY IS JUST A NAME I USED! I KNOW NO ONE NAME DANNY!

Christina Ayla L. 17 years old, high school the last year. Her best friend Mia and her were walking the halls to their next class, "So how's life?" Mia ask Christina. "It's alright, my dad is just begging me to see him. I don't understand how his feelings work." Christina said. "Yeah, just ignore him." Mia said, Christina nodded. But Christina, had been feeling depressed lately, she doesn't want to hurt herself like she did all those years ago. After school, Christina went outside and waited for Danny, a popular boy. Once he saw her, he ran up to. "Ready, my parents aren't home so it will just be us." He said smirking. Christina nodded and fake smiled, they got to his car and once they go to his house they went to him room. Danny locked and shut his door, "This will take the pain away." Christina thought to herself.

Soon this sinful act, became a everyday lifestyle, she did it with a new boy about every week. Too many to count, they didn't love her, they used her for sex. She didn't love them, she just wanted to take her pain away by sex. Mia knew something was wrong, she went up to Christina during lunch to see what's wrong. "Christina, are you okay?" Mia asked, "I'm fine Mia, don't worry!" Christina said with a smile on her face. Mia nodded, but knew there was something wrong.

A couple months later, Christina called Mia at 2am. "Christina?! What's wrong?!" Mia asked panicking. "MIA! MY GOD MIA! I-I NEED HELP PLEASE COME GET ME!" Christina yelled into the phone. Mia got her car keys and hurried to Christina's house. Once she got there, Christina got into Mia's car. "Mia, we need to go to target." Christina said. "Why! what's wrong?!" Mia asked. "Mia, I've been having sex with all these boys. And I-I think I'm pregnant. But I don't know who the dad is." Christina said, crying her eyes out. Mia sighed, "Christina." She said hugging her friend, "I feel ashamed, my baby won't know his or her father cause I had sex with so many men." Christina said. "Christina! You need to calm down! You're putting stress on the baby!" Mia yelled. Christina stopped crying, "Now, who did you have it with last?" Mia asked. "Umm, I really don't know Mia." Christina said. Mia sighed, "Okay, let's go get a test." Mia said.

Soon they went to target and got a pregnancy test, then they went to the girl's bathroom and Christina took the test. Christina walked out of the stall and threw the test at Mia. "What!?" Mia asked, as she picked up the stick. Positive. The test was positive. "Mia I think I'm gonna be sick." Christina said, then ran to the toilet and threw up. Mia walked over and rubbed her back, "Mia, what am I gonna do?!" Christina asked. "I really don't know, okay tell your mom and stay in school." Mia said. "Mia, my mom told me, if I ever get pregnant she will beat me and kick me out." Christina said. Mia was now shaking in fear, "This can't be real." Mia thought. "Okay, I'll call her, hold my hand please." Christina said. Mia did what she was told and Christina told her mom. Her mom cried in disappointment, so did Christina.

Still Christina went to school, she was two months pregnant. She had to stay out of gym and her baby was growing, so sitting in school desk was very hard. Teachers will look at her in disgust and others will tell her things like "You should give up the baby, you're too young to have a child." or positive things like "Congratulations" But Christina knew it was all fake. No body knew that Christina had sex with a lot of boys besides Mia and the boys she had it with. "So what are you gonna do after graduation?" Her friend Kiara asked. "I'm moving and living on my own. Remember when I told you I didn't like doing sports or stuff like that. Or that I'm not smart and don't want to go to college." Christina asked. "Yeah." Kiara said. "I wasn't born to be that, I was born to also give birth to a baby. I was meant to be a mother and I will be a mother." Christina said. "But Christina, you're so young and can live your life without a baby." Kiara said. "I'm not gonna be a horrible mother,trust me, this baby is the key to opening that birdcage I'm trapped in. This baby will make me be free, and I'm gonna give this baby all my love and make sure he or she will have a better life then I had." Christina said.

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