Attack On Titan

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This story takes place in the year 855 (I believe) so this doesn't take place in 2018. Also this chapter is base off this fact I found! Pleas enjoy! :)

Mia and Christina were in their room, Mia joined Christina on the top bunk (were Christina sleeps). They were chatting until Sasha walked up to them. "HEY GUYS!" She yelled, "Hi Sasha!" Christina said back, "Hey." Mia said. "So the girls and I are gonna go to the basement. We do this every night, we go in one of the rooms so the boys don't hear us and talk about who likes who!" She said. Christina felt anxiety fill her stomach, "So do you want to join us?! They will be food there!" Sasha said. Mia looked at Christina, "What do you say Christina?" Mia asked. "Yeah, we'll go." Christina said with a smile, the girls got off the bunk and followed Sasha into the basement. Sasha opened the door, there was Christa, Annie, Hanji, Mikasa, and Ymir. "Take a seat! You guys want anything to eat?" Sasha asked, "No thank you, I'll like some water though please." Christina said. Sasha nodded and walked over to get water, "Take a seat! I can't wait to talk about this! I can finally update my book of ships!" Hanji yelled in excitement then laughed. "Ha ha..." Mia laughed nervously.

Christina got her water and sat down in a chair next to Mia. "What did I get myself into?!" Christina though to herself. "Okay! Who will go first?" Hanji asked, the girls were quiet. "Okay, uhh Mikasa you start!" Hanji said, Ymir rolled her eyes, "We all know who she is gonna say." She said. Christa elbow Ymir, "Be nice!" She yelled. "Eren." Mikasa said, Mia looked up and felt her heart brake, "She likes him to?! Oh." Mia thought to herself. "YES! YES! YES! I CAN MAKE A SHIP OF THIS NOW!!" Hanji yelled, "Shh, we don't want the guys to hear us!" Ymir yelled, "Sorry! But this is so juicy!" Hanji said. "OKAY! Sasha, your turn!" Hanji said, Sasha swollen her bread, "Uh well...this is kinda embarrassing but I guess Connie is cute." She said rubbing the back of her neck. Everyone's eyes grew wide, but for Hanji she just smiled and laughed, "YES! CONNIE X SASHA!" She yelled. Christina giggled, "Okay! Ymir you go!" Hanji said, "We all know who she likes, and it's not a boy." Mia said. "Yeah you got that right sweetheart." Ymir said then looked at Christa.

"Well! STILL I SHIP IITTT!!!!" Hanji yelled, "SSHHH DO YOU WANT US TO GET CAUGHT BY THE BOYS!?" Ymir Yelled. "Okay Christa, who do you like?" Hanji asked. Christa blushed a bit, "Well, I don't have a super crush on anyone but I mean Reiner is a bit cute I guess." She said. Everyone was quite, "Ha ha...okay Ymir is cute." She said finally. "YES YES YES YES! COUPLE GOALS!" Hanji yelled. "Okay ANNIE! WHO DO YOU LIKE!?" Hanji yelled. "Does it matter, this is really stupid." She said rolling her eyes. "Oh come on, at least tell us who you think is cute!" Hanji said. "Fine! Just so you can shut up. Armin I guess?" She said. "AWWWWWW SOOO CUTE! GOT TO WRITE FLUFF WITH THOSE TWO!" Hanji yelled. Christina and Mia stayed silent, Mia was a bit heartbroken cause Mikasa likes Eren, should she have him? No, maybe? She sighed, "ALRIGHT! MIA WHO DO YOU LIKE?!" Hanji yelled, Mia quickly looked up, "Got think fast, should I tell them the truth? I don't know, uhh just say someone else!" Mia thought, "Well?.." Hanji said.

"Jean!" Mia yelled out, "Oh. Horse face?" Ymir said. "HUSH CHILD! We will make this a canon ship! Cause this one is gonna be a romantic chapter in my story of ships!" Hanji said. Mia giggled, "Looks like..this is gonna be bad." Mia thought to herself. "Alright! Christina! Who do you like!?" Hanji yelled with excitement. Christina blushed, "Umm...Levi.." she said quietly as she looked away. "Did you just hear what I just heard?" Ymir said. "YYYEEEESSSS I HAVE TO WRITE A LEMON WITH THESE TWO! THIS IS PERFECT! I CAN SEE IT NOW! LEVI BABIES, EVERYWHERE!" Hanji yelled. Everyone 'shh' her, as Christina blushed harder. "He wont like me, I mean he barley shows emotion." Christina said. "Who know darling, everyone has feelings so does he." Ymir said. Christina looked at her, "Yeah your right." She said quietly. Hanji got up from her seat and walked over to Christina, "He does has emotions, Christina. It just takes longer for men to recognize their feelings for girl. I bet he likes you, I mean who wouldn't? Your smart, pretty, kind, and strong." She said. "Yeah, but I'm too energetic and he's so serious." Christina said.

"Yeah your right, but maybe he likes girls like that!" Hanji said with a wink. Christina giggled, "Alright, we'll see." She said. "YESSS! YYYEEESSS! I should write five lemons on this!" Hanji yelled. "Wait! I don't know-", "Oh come on Christina! I'll let you be the first one to read them as well! Hanji said. "A-alright." Christina said. "Well girls, looks like we should go!" Hanji said walking towards the door, everyone followed. "You like Eren, Mia. Why did you lie?" Christina asked Mia, "I just...I don't know, I don't want to talk about it." Mia said playing with her fingers. Christina sighed, "Alright, we probably need sleep." Christina said patting Mia's head. Mia smiled then nodded, as Hanji open the door everyone screamed. "What's wrong!?" Christina yelled as her and Mia ran to the door. Christina and Mia's eyes grew wide as all the boys were piled up on top of each other. "Looks like they were listing to our conversation." Hanji said with a big smile. "You little shit! I swear, if you weren't loud this wouldn't have happen!" Ymir yelled at Hanji. "YMIR NO!!" Christa yelled pulling Ymir back from Hanji. "W-we didn't hear any of your guys conversation! We just heard screaming and ran down hear to see if you girls were okay!" Connie said.

"Yeah sure, I'm going to bed lets go Christa!" Ymir said grabbing Christa's arm and bragging her back to the room. "Ahh, lovers." Hanji said. "Yeah we're going to bed, night guys." Mia said as Christina and her walked up the stairs. Mia looked back and saw Eren, she blushed and continued to walk upstairs. As they were walking, Levi came down the stairs. "C-commander L-Levi!" Christina said as she quickly put her fist on her heart, Mia did the same. "Tch, what the hell is going on down here?! Tell me now, that is an order." he said. Christina blushed a little, "Um, the girls and I were just talking that's all." She said. "Hmm, alright." He said then walked off. "Wow, that's like the closet I'll ever get to him." Christina said. "No, not until Hanji writes those lemon stories." Mia said. "AHH!!" Christina yelled as she ran upstairs. Mia followed, soon the girls got into their bed and blew out the candle. "Night Mia." Christina said, "Night." Mia said. Soon the girls fell asleep.

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