Attack On Titan (Part 2)

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Modern day, 2018...

The next day Christina woke up, she slowly open her eyes and sat up. It was a Saturday so she had no work. She looked at the time 5:30am, "Wow. Guess I went to bed super early." She said to herself. Then she realized Levi is gonna pick her up at 6:30. "I ONLY HAVE ONE HOUR TO GET READY!!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!" She screamed. Christina jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She did her hair and a bit of makeup and put on shorts and a whit tank top. She wore a choker and a dragon necklace, she looked in the mirror. Her tattoos stood out which she loved. She admires her tattoos, she only has two. One on her thigh that is a song lyric and one on her wrist of a dreamcatcher and the words "Darling You'll Be Okay~" under it. She is planing to get more in the future as well. And she's also planning to get her nose pierced, she has a bellybutton piercing as well. Which you can see because the tank top is tight around her small waist. Christina looked at her phone, the time was 6:25am. "Okay So He should be here soon!" She said in happiness. She walked out of her room and went to the kitchen to make tea. After that she got a text message.

Levi: Hey, I'll be there in two minutes.

Christina: Great! I'll meet you down there! :)

Levi: Okay.

After that Christina grabbed her house keys and ran out of the apartment. She went downstairs and then saw a man with a motorcycle. Her eyes grew wide, "Oh." Was all she could say as the man stopped and took her sunglasses off. "Hey, are you ready to go?" Levi asked. Christina stood there and blushed, she had a slight thing for guys who can drive motorcycles and didn't know Levi could drive one. "HEY! You ready?" He asked, Christina looked at him and nodded. She got on the back, "If you don't hold onto me your gonna fall backwards." He said. Christina was a little scared to hold onto his waist but then he drove off making her grab onto his waist. She blushed but felt safe with him. She rested her head on his shoulder, Levi blushed a bit but Christina didn't know. After a few minutes they ended up at the beach. "Oh, I didn't know-", "Yeah I thought it would be nice to go here." Levi said. Christina nodded, then they both walked together to the beach. "So, where are you from?" Levi asked. "Oh, I'm from Illinois." She said. "Damn, a long way from here." He said. Christina giggled, "Yep! I just graduate from high school back in May. Mia and I were saving enough money to live here. And we did!" She explain.

"Are you and Mia sister?" He asked, "Not biologically, but by heart. Even her birthday was two weeks ago and so she's a month older then me." She said. "When is your birthday?" Levi asked, "December 29." Christina said then smiled, "Mine is December 25." Levi mumbled. "AWW WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY MONTH!" Christina screamed happily. "We're only 4 days apart." Levi said smiling, Then he looked down and noticed her tattoos. "I didn't know you had tattoos!" He said. "Yep! I have two but I'm planning to get more in the future. I have one in my wrist and on my thigh." She said. "What do they stand for?" He asked, Christina's smiled dropped a bit. "The one on my thigh, it's from a song I will also love. "In Your deepest pain, I'm your weakest hour, in your darkest night, you are lovely~". When I was younger I was going through some hard times, my friend suggested me this song and I fell in love with it. And I realized, when I'm in my deepest pain or my hardest times no matter what, I'm still lovely." She said.

Levi's eyes grew a bit wide, "Damn, that's deep." He said. She nodded, "This one on my wrist covers some...stuff, but I listen this this song and it my favorite song by this band I like. And the singer he sings "Darling You'll Be Okay~" And when I get really sad I listen to it. And I had someone telling me I'm gonna be okay." She said with a sweet smile. "You don't have anyone to tell you your okay?" He asked. "I didn't, but now I have Mia. Her and I met in 6th grade and that's when my hellish hours came. But she was there for me, if it wasn't for her I would be dead. But when I was really little, I had no siblings or anyone my age to play with. I always played by myself and my parents..when I asked them to play with me, my father refused and my mom would be sad. My dad would always shut the door in my face every time I wanted to stay with my parents. I was alone from the very beginning." She said.

Levi looked at her, "I'm sorry." He said. She looked up at him, "It's not your fault silly, besides I didn't even know you. I was like two and you were like five." She said ruffling his hair. He smiled, "So tell me something about you!" Christina said. "Well, I live here and I have friends like Eren the kid you saw yesterday. He's 19 he's a brat at some points but over all he's a pretty cool kid. My mother, was a hooked and she got pregnant by one of her clients and and me. She was a lovely mother, she took care of me when we didn't have lots of money. She loved me and I love her, until she got sick and died. My uncle came and took me in, he wasn't the best influence but he taught me how to survive. And that's all I did all my life, was survive. I had two friends but they both died in a car accident and few years ago." He said.

"Wow...I guess we're both on the same page then." Christina said. "Yeah, I guess so." He said. "What do you plan on doing for your future?" He asked. "Get married, have kids. That's all I want, also tattoos." She said. "Aren't you gonna go to college?" He asked. "Nah, I see college as a wast of your life. I want to live life, the way I grew up. I lived in a very negative area. I really didn't focus on my homework that much. And when I needed help, all my teachers turned me away. I'm smart but not too smart. But the job I want the most is to be a mother, I always wanted to be a mother ever since I was very young. My mom didn't raise me the best, I know she tried but she was so young. She was 16 when she had me and she had lots of problems with my so called 'dad' and I had problems with him. He doesn't know I live here and when the time comes to get married or if I have kids, he's not gonna know." She said.

Levi was speechless, "Oh. Well I'll support you." He said. Christina's eyes lit up, "Really!" She said, he nodded. "Yes of course!" He said. She smiled big and hugged him, Levi's eyes grew a bit wide but then hugged her back. She let go and smiled, "Do you want kids!?" She asked, Levi let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, one day though." He said. "I'm ready whenever my future boyfriend is ready." She said. She looked at her phone and looked at the time. "Oh shit! I forgot I have a piercing appointment at noon! May you drive me there please?" She asked. "Sure." He said, soon they arrived at the piercing place, "Okay sweetheart just breath in..and breath out. Okay we're done!" The lady said as she put the stud in Christina's nose. She smiled, "Thank you so much." Christina said. "No problem sweetie." The lady said. Levi stood there with his arms cross and he was leaning against the wall. "Okay ready to go, I already paid for it." She said. Levi nodded, "Aw you guys a couple cause your really cute together." The lady said. Christina blushed, "N-no just friends." She said, soon they left. "Hey, want to go eat something?" Levi asked. "Sure." Christina said. Soon they arrived at Chipotle. When they got their food they sat at the table and stared talking. "Thank you for this. I haven't been on a..??", "Date?" Levi said. "U-uh I guess you can put it that way? Is this a date?" Christina asked, "I don't know? Is it?" Levi said. "Well....I guess?" Christina said. After a while Levi went to drop Christina off. "Thank  you very much! Levi." Christina said. "No problem anytime, I'll walk you back to your place." He said. "No need for that." Christina said.

"Nope, I will a lady should never walk by herself to her home. God knows what can happen to her." He said. Christina blushed, "O-okay then." She said. They reached to her apartment, "Well I will text you tonight." Christina said. Levi nodded, he was so tall compared to Christina. "Okay I'll talk to you later, bye!" Christina said then kissed his cheek and open the door and locked it. "She just kissed me?" Levi said to himself as he touch his cheek. Christina smiled, and ran to her room. "I think Mia is in the shower." She said, "Welp, time to watch anime."

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