Attack On Titan

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Takes place in 855..

Returning to the wall....

After fighting the titans all the scouts came back, luckily no one died for once. But some did get hurt, after returning to HQ Christina and Hanji were helping the injured. "Next, please!" Christina yelled, then Levi walked up to her. "Oh hello, sir. What happened?" Christina asked. "Tch, just stitch this up for me." He said as he took off his shirt, reviling his tone muscular body. Christina felt her face turn red, "S-sure." She said as she grabbed the needle and thread. Levi sat on the table, Christina looked at the wound. "Ow, how did this happened?" She asked. "Saving Eren's ass." He said. Christina chuckled, she then stared to clean the wound. Small whimpers came out of Levi's mouth, "Sorry its gonna burn." She said. Then he was ready to stitch it up, "Okay, I'm gonna stitch it now." She said as she began to stitch Levi's wound up. Levi stayed quite and so did Christina. "There all done!" She said, "You want a lollipop for being a good boy." She playfully asked. "Tch, you wish." he said putting his shirt back on. "Anything else?" She asked, "Yeah, there's a pain in my mouth." He said. Then he grabbed her small waist and brought her closer to him. Christina gasped as he placed his hand on her hips. He lean in for her lips, then the door open. "CHRIS-oh!" Mia said as she turned away. "Uh, H-Hanji needs you." She said looking away. Christina let go of Levi, "Get some sleep." She told him then walked to see Hanji. "Be nice to my sister, I trust you." mia said then walked away. "Oh." Was all Levi could say, but his cheeks turn a bit red.

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