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        It felt as if my entire body stopped functioning. The words that came from Sunmi didn't seem to make any sense to me at all.

         "... Love?" It came out in a whisper.

           She nodded. "You're in love with Kai." She almost squealed and my eyes widen. It was just then that her words hit me.

           "No!" I shook my head. "That... no." It just couldn't be.

           But Sunmi continued to grin widely and nodding. I was about to deny the thought out loud again when Taemin called out to the two of us.

         "What's going on?" He asked with worry.

         "Oh—nothing!" I was quick to reassure them before turning back to the beautiful female who was starting to have a smirk tug on her lips. "It's just that — Sunmi was telling me about horror stories..." That was the just the most horrible excuse I could've given.

       "Lee Sunmi how many times have I told you to stop telling them?! They even scare me!" Taemin argues and making his sister laugh rather loudly.

         And meanwhile, I was scared to turn around to look at Kai.

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        Just before we'd gone back downstairs, Taemin looks out the window and so did I when starting to hear really faint taps against the window. I start to see small droplet of water on the glass and my brows furrow slightly.

       "Rain...?" I hear Sunmin murmur, unsure and I turn to her.


      She nods her head and her eyes slowly starts to widen and her lips parting even more until she comes to cover them. "It really is rain...!" She faces me and I could see the happiness she felt glinting in her eyes. "It's rain!"

         And I was still utterly confused, what was rain? Looking out again, I could see more droplets of water on the window and spread out in many directions. The clouds were a shade of grey and looking so sad, it looked to be that water was falling from them and... somehow, it felt all too wrong.


          "It's raining!" Taemin was the one to exclaim this time and jump off his seat, Kai following motion and both ran down the stairs. "Sunmi— bring the buckets and uncover the tube!" I heard him shout.

          I looked over Sunmi's way rather quickly to see running towards the cupboard and opening, pulling out buckets all whilst wearing a grin on her lips. When turning to face my way, she hands me a couple of them abruptly and I almost stumble back from surprise. She rushed around the house doing various things all in the span on 5 minutes— minimum.

         "Come on, Lisa!" She pulls my hand and we rush down the stairs, and thankfully I hadn't tripped on them. When she about to pull me out and I looked outside— A sense of fear had suddenly taken over when I saw what looked to be like small spears coming from quickly from the sky.

        My hand was quick to swat away from Sunmi's but it hadn;t been like she noticed at all, it seemed she was too imersed in the fact tat it was raining to realise how scared and concerned I suddenly felt. Kai and Taemin were happily dancing in the so called 'rain' enjoying the feeling of it against their uncovered skin, but I— It made me feel wrong.

          Sunmi placed buckets all around the place and also came to enjoy the rain herself, and I watch them enjoy it, I hesitantly came to approach the doors to the outside.

         My hand was put first and it flinches when feeling the cold sensation and then I see water starting to dribble down from my palm, to my fingers, to my wrist, everywhere. It didn't take long until I step out completely and the 'rain' slowly starts to soak my skin with water.

        My eyes look up to the sky, and my brows furrow in confusion. The sky was still a shade of grey, not even a small peak of the sun had been out. How can they all enjoy it? I don't know what to say but to me, it looked as if the sky looked— sad.

        It looked all too sad, and something seemed to break my heart about it. My brows furrowed from the uncertain feeling I felt, my hands came to touch the center of my chest and to feel my heart that was still beating but it somehow hurted all the same. Looking forward, I saw how Kai, Taemin and Sunmi were still enjoying themselves and jumpig around, arms around each other as they danced.

        Kia raised his head, a grin was curled upon his lips until they fall when his gaze lock with mine.

           "Lisa?" He calls out. "Are you okay?" I wasn't really sure. I didn't know how to feel exactly.

              All of this made me feel a pang in my heart and my eyes look down. Soon enough, while my eyes were still looking down, I saw a pairs of feet right in front of mine, I recognised the shoes to be Kai's.

             "Are you okay?" I hear him ask in almost a whisper. Looking up, I meet his worried eyes. "You don't look so good," His hand touches my wet forehead. "are you feeling sick?"

             Slowly, I shake my head. "How can—" But before my words could come out, I froze in place when feeling a sharp feeling seeming to cross my head, giving the same pain as of a migraine.

But somehow, I also felt a burning sensation on my body, start from my legs— freezing them over until I ouldn't feel them and the same sensation started to take over my body and it started to become a burning pain and I could only compare to the one I felt months ago but much, much worse.

          I screamed from the pain — I did not know where it came from, taking over my mind and having all limbs on my body stop being under my command and at by themselves. It all hurt too much beneath the cold temperature caused by the rain.

         But then, through my clenched shut eyes and amidst of worried voices that shouted my name over and over, I saw a hand stretched before me — It looked to be like the hand of a small child.

            I looked up and my eyes saw groups of people put in my lines, they all stared down at me with sympathy and some looked absolutely terrified. But then I caught sight of a woman—

          She struggled to push away from the guard, she was crying frantically while looking at me, her hand trying to reach to me. The hand that belonged to one of a child tried to reach out for hers but it kept getting farther and farther. and finally I could hear her call.



           Lalisa—no, please let her go!


             "Mom..." My eyes snap and the pain seemed to go away all together, but my body seemed to be too tired from it. I look up to the sky, to which it continued to let rain fall and I hadn't realised the water that fell down from my own eyes. "Mom..."

             And my world was quick to become dark muttering that word.

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