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I went to see Yerim, she had her entire arm wrapped in bandages and I frowned upon seeing it, but she kept trying to reassure me Wendy had it covered for her.

But I still doubted — since Wendy had also been the one who had done something that made entire body go through a state of pain.

I told Yerim about how I wanted to start learning how to fight, about how I wanted to help her fight for the people in Busan. She had told me the same as Kai, but it was when I showed more of my determination that she had a smile spread across her cheeks and she understood.

She felt happy that I wanted to protect others.

The girl led me to somewhere where I hadn't been familiar with at all, and I felt a bit uneasy at first since it was quite a large space yet it was empty. Yerim called it a studio but others referred it as an arena.

"Joy!" She shouted and my eyes widened. Is this where Joy lived?

"Coming!" She shouted back, confirming my questioning thoughts. Upon hearing sounds of rushing footsteps, I look up to see bridges all connecting at some point and ladder joints.

I saw one come down and Joy was sliding her way down. She landed on the ground with a huff before turning to face me and Yerim with a smile, but then when seeing me, her eyes widened slightly.

"Lisa?" She said, surprised. "What a nice surprise! What brings you here?" She asks while approaching us.

"Lisa wants to learn how to fight." Yerim says for me.

Joy seemed to be baffled. "... Did you get Irene's permission?" I nodded my head. For a while, she was still quiet, but it didn't take long for her to start smiling again, this time, brightly.

It was as if she already knew my reason.

Joy clapped her hands happily. "Alright! Then, I should get somebody. I'll be right back!" She says before running off again.

When she was off sight, Yerim turned to me and smiled almost shyly. "She's going to get Sehun." She says. "He's one of the most skilled fighters in our rebellion, and one of the few who have the patience to teach."

I laugh whilst nodding my head. "Right."

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My chest burned, and I tried my best to quickly recover my breath as I continued to hold the metal bar. Sehun held a blank expression before me, he also held a metal rod of his own but unlike mine that was lifted up in defense, his had been lowered.

It been only hours since he started to teach me, and just to show what I'd learnt today, he wanted to test me. And here I was, with only a bruise on my leg but even if it hurts, I had to endure it, or so that had been what I was thinking.

He took a step forward and I did the same, another step forward and I copied. But then a smile spread across his thin lips and brightening his handsome features before he swung the rod beneath his arms and clapped his hands, nodding his head.

"You did quite well for a first time, I guess you're a fast learner." He muses and my brows arch in surprise.

"I am?" He once again nods, slowly, I lower my rod and he comes to pick it from me.

He hums. "Yeah, much faster than Yerim at least." He jokes and I heard the girl complain from above us as she was walking on the metal bridges with Joy.

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