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          I felt nervous, cold sweat forming at the back of my neck and starting to run down my back. What the hell. Although I didn't want to believe that maid's words, they sure scared me quite a bit.

         I walked down the halls quickly, almost tripping on my own feet quite a few times and cursing myself whenever that happened, what exactly had been going on. I could hear nothing but silence around me and I came to realise that I had been already quite far from the main hall. My heart raced and I could hear me panting when I stopped to think about all this.

         Why am I getting all worked up over a maid's warning? How can she be so sure?

         Shaking my head, I turn around but only to stop again.

         I felt wind blow on my neck for a split second, and I wondered how I felt that, after all, There's no way I could feel such a thing while still being in this building. I parted my lips open and breathed out silently, my hands started to tremble and my legs almost wobble.

         And all of the sudden, I let out a shriek when feeling something burn into my leg, and by instinct, I grabbed onto it. My other leg had given out and I was confused when my eye sight started to get hazy, I tried my best to focus on my leg and saw that it was bleeding. Blood tainted my hands,

         it ran down my leg and dirtying my white outfit,

         it tainted the white tiles into a red colour.

         Before I could even shout out for help, I could not even find my own voice, my hand went onto the floor and tried to pull my body forward, and ever so slowly, my eye lids shut themselves and I found myself surrounded by darkness.

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         "You idiot! I told you that I'd send Im Nayeon to that location at exactly midnight!"

         "She was rushing so I thought one of our groups had already penetrated into the main hall!"

          Voices were arguing around me, my body felt extremely cold and I felt anxious, nothing could run through my mind asides from the fact of how extremely uncomfortable my body felt like. Where was I? This didn't feel like my room or a bed, the strong smell of... Gun Powder? And... A strong smell that made me sick to no end.

        "Shit, she's starting to get really cold, Kai what the fuck did you use?!"

        "Don't ask me, ask that to Wendy!"

        I don't know what's going to on, I don't want to be here, where's Chaeyoung? Where's Jennie? Where's Jisoo? Why is this happening to me?

        I started to feel pain, my leg was burning, almost as if it was on fire and I couldn't move at all, all my senses felt numb. My entire body was a mixture of hot and cold, the pain was agonizing and I don't know for how much longer I would be able to keep up with it.

         Somebody, please, help me.

        "Kai! Get the restorative, fast!"

       "On it!"

      And in the middle of all the pain, my eyes opened and finally my voice came back.

     "Argh!" I let out when feeling something like an electric shock, except that it felt extremely cold, run through my entire body. I was quick to sit up and grip onto the closest thing that I could. Pain seemed to take over my body for another two minutes or so and I felt arms go around me throughout the entire process.

       When I calmed down and the pain subsided, I felt my heart rate become slower and finally, the pain was gone. It felt like baby steps -- my eyes started to open themselves and it took a while for me to finally get used to my surroundings, my movements still felt slow and my body felt heavy.

        I furrowed my brows when seeing a strong light going over my side twice and maybe thrice, somebody calling out to me and a hand was placed on my forehead and the back of my neck.

       "What..." I let out, I could start to make out a few things and I saw a dim litted lamp over a desk, then my eyes moved around and finally landed on a figure. I couldn't see its features properly, I could see dark locks of hair and that had been just about it.

        Light once again flashed through my eyes and I groaned, closing my eyes once again, my fingers gripped tighter onto whatever they had been gripping. My head was thrown back since there was no support behind it, my throat started to get dry and my sight yet again hazy.

        "Chaeyoung..." I called out weakly and my hands covered my sight, as if I tried to hide myself from all the pain. "Chaeyoung..." Where are you? I feel horrible right, this is so painful.

         Once again, the grip I had on my consciousness started to slip away from me, my hads sliding away from my eyes and I saw a rusted metal ceiling, my lips, again, parted themselves and I felt something trickle down my cheeks quickly and leaving a slight cold trail behind as I felt my eyes closing again.

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