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      I looked out the window of Kai's room, it was already dark and he was sat on his bed, taking care of the knife he'd usually be carrying around that was hidden by his ankle.

      I breathed in sharply. "What was Sunmi talking about?" I question him. The sound of his knife being sharpened stop. "What does she mean that people have suffered and still do up until now?" My eyes went to him.

       He didn't look back at me, he continued to sharpen his knife. My teeth grit themselves and walk over to him. "Look at me!" I shout, hand on my chest. "Answer me!" I felt so confused. Everything didn't seem to make any sense at all. "I need answers!"

       Finally, he looked up. With the same look he always gave me from day one.

      "Keep your voice down." He said and my eyes widen. "You're going to wake up everyone here." Kai looks back down to his knife.

      My eyes were still wide, in shock of his response. I didn't try to soothe my anger, it just keep rising and rising, until I couldn't contain it anymore. I was frustrated, I was anxious, I was confused beyond belief about this place, about Busan and it's people and the others bases there were.

      Without thinking, I took a step forward and my hand slapped away the knife from Kai's hand and it's sharpener.

       Kai looked up at me with wide eyes and I snapped — harshly, I took a hold of his collar and pulled him forward. My eyes furiously glaring into his.

      "You, I've had enough of this." I say through gritted teeth. "I've had enough of your arrogance towards me, I've had enough of this place and the secrets you keep from me." Nothing made sense.

      "What Sunmi was talking about earlier, I am just so confused about it. The places there are surrounding Pure Seoul, I had no idea about them at all!" My grip on his collar tightens. "The people who suffered? So there are more of you? There are more areas like this one?

      What does she mean?! I have no idea.

      Irene said I will learn the truth about it all soon but when is soon?! It's frustrating the hell out of me to have all this information and since you don't answer, I have to try and put the pieces in a puzzle!

       Nothing makes sense! You don't help at all! All I am asking for is help about all of this! Why can't you give me any?!" For the first time in years, I didn't realise what was rolling down my cheeks.

      Kai still had his eyes wide as he looked into my own, my hands slowly let go of his collar and I walked to the corner where I had the pillow to sleep on.

      I had my back leaned the wall and I slide down, bringing knees up to my chest. "It's all a mess." I cry. "I don't care if I don't get to go back home, I'll give up on that — but I just can't understand what is going on." I continue to cry.

     My forehead was placed in between my knees and now I realise how pathetic I must be looking like, crying just because I don't anything. If Head Mistress Chaerin was here she would slap me already.

       Silence settled in the room with my faint, silent cries. But I hear something move around.

       "... Your hand." I hear Kai's voice from just above me. "It's bleeding." My eyes open in confusion and I could see the red liquid sliding down from my palm, to my wrist and to the floor.

       I continued to be silent, Kai tried to reach out for it but I pulled away. "Stay away from me." I look up at him, trying my best to still look angry despite my feeling of misery. "I don't need your help."

       But he didn't listen. He crouched down to ground and with force, he took hold of my wrist, making me flinch slightly from the small pain that shot up in my palm.

       I couldn't look him in the eye as he cleaned the blood with the nearest clothe he could find. He quietly took care of my injury.

       "... Stand up." He sighed and I did as told, that's all I've been mostly doing these days, following his orders and what people told me to do. "Go the bed."

       My eyes raise themselves quickly to him, in surprise. He looks down at me and motions to bed. "To the bed."

       I glance at it before making my way to it, I sat on the mattress and when I look up, I saw Kai sitting himself down on the ground and before my lips could even part, he had already closed his eyes.

       Both of us were quiet, I realised he gave the bed up for me. I look down at my hand and see the brown clothe that I saw him wearing once, ripped and around wrist and palm, completely covering the cut.

      My lips pursued themselves and my eyes didn't have the courage to look up at Kai as I put my legs on the mattress and closed my eyes, turning away from him.

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      My eyes flutter open slowly, my sight still blurred as I looked around the room. It feels as if I've woken up after a decade.

       I sit up on the bed, and yawn, arms stretching above my head before my hands went to my eyes to rub away the effects of sleep. When I was completely awake, I looked around the room to see Kai wasn't there.

      Getting off bed, quickly putting on my shoes, I head out the door. Looking every way of the hall, I head towards the end of the hall, to the last door. My hand quickly goes up to knock on it and in fast knocks.

      "Lay, Lay, Lay." I call out and it didn't take long for the door to open, Lay stood there and rubbing his eyes sleepily, nodding his head. "Where's Kai?"

       "Dunno..." He yawns and rubs the back of his head. "It's already past midday, he's probably out, did you eat anything yet?" I shook my head and he opens the door wider. "Come and eat with me then."

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