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"What are you doing here?" I was quick to ask, and stood up from the ground, I felt so confused. "Chaeyoung, why are you here?"

She looked into my eyes, and I could see how conflicted she was, and I could see how my own reflection in her soft, doe eyes. I also felt the same, I felt confused, and maybe, even a bit angry.

"Lisa..." She said my name again.

I shook my head. "Chaeyoung, you—" I look away briefly before turning back to her. "You were lying to me?" That was first question that came across my mind. All of my life, Park Chaeyoung, the one person I trusted the most, the person I loved the most.

The one person I confided in and cared for, Park Chaeyoung. The kind, beautiful, soft-spoken, caring and funny Park Chaeyoung; The perfect Park Chaeyoung.

She was a liar? She had been lying to me this entire time?

"Why, Chaeyoung? Why?" She still didn't answer me and looked away from me. I caught hold of her arms. "Chaeyoung, why?!"

"Hey!" A voice boomed into my mind and instantly made me let go of her, an arm went around her, protecting her from me.

Looking up, I was met with glaring eyes that made me step back in fear. "Watch what you're doing." He growled at me and I took another step back.

"Jaehyun, it's fine." Chaeyoung says, placing her hand onto the man's forearm that went around. She still looked conflicted. "Don't be so harsh."

"But she — "

Before I could hear the rest he was about to say, I turned around and went into the crowd again. I heard Chaeyoung calling my name out, over and over and over. I ignored and just ran.

I didn't see if Lay was still lost in the sea of people, I didn't care if he was, I needed to get out of there — I needed to breath. I ran until I felt exhausted. I didn't know where I was.

But by now, half of the sun had only its upper half showing up and illuminating the parts that it could of Busan and its people.

I felt lost.

I didn't even try to question her properly, get a proper answer, because I was in a state of panic. My mind was blurred and I tried to make my way back home.

Memories of me and Chaeyoung flashed through my mind, from the moment we met, from our childhood to our teenage years and to where we were before I was taken to Busan. It felt almost like a stake to my heart, it didn't make any sense at all.

At every memory flash, a tear slipped and a step quickened. I arrived at the quarters and I almost stumbled on the stairs — I could only think of running away.

I tried to open the door but it was locked and it only made my heart hurt, a painful feeling churning mercilessly at my gut, even more, I looked like a mess. I needed somebody to be there with me.

The halls had become darker and I let out a sob, my hand banged on the door and I called out to Kai. But there was no answer at all.

My forehead touched the surface of the door and I slid down the floor, I wanted to hide,

I felt miserable,

I felt lonely and even a bit disappointed and questioning of everyone around me.

Before my hand raised to bang on the door again, I heard footsteps up the stairs, they echoed not only through the halls but also the back of my head.

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