chapter fifty-three

Start from the beginning

He kicked the door to Tord's room- his room in.

"Ah! Tom." Tord relaxed his expression into a bored one. "What are you doing here?" Tom held up the poster, comparing it with Tord. It was a wanted poster, and it was defiantly Tord.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing!" he accused angrily. "Why are you--" He slammed his finger on the poster-- "here!?"

"Okay, you got me," Tord admitted, throwing his hands up a he inched to his right. "I only came back to get something I left behind."

"Left behind what?!" Tom snapped.

"This!" Tord slammed his hand on a giant red button. Ominous warning sirens echoed around them, Tom worriedly glancing up. A metal trapdoor in the ceiling opened, a machine bringing out a mysterious, closed box.

The machine dropped a dumb looking hat on Tord.

"My hat!" Tord said cheerfully.


"What? What did you think I was going to do?" Tord asked, rolling his eyes at the Brit.

"I... uhh...." Tom brought a finger up, trying to find a generic excuse.

"Besides!" Tord glanced up. "It goes really well with my giant robot."

Tom laughed before realizing what he said. "Wait... what?"

Tord hit the button again, a sinister look appearing on his face. He was dropped in a hole, Tom rushing to look inside. In the hole, Tord was in a seat. Around the seat, a giant robot was assembling. He looked out the window as the giant robot came up from the ground.

"Holy f-" Tom cut himself off as the giant robot began to shoot through the walls at him. He was running faster than he'd ever had before as he dashed around the hallways.

Tord was distracted from Tom, however, when Eduardo stepped out of his home. "Hey! What's all the racket?" he asked in a nasty tone.

Mark and Jon appeared next to him. Tord's giant robot opened a compartment which was full of rockets. He sent one of them towards the house.

"That's not a racket, that's a rocket!" Jon said. It hit their home, the green house blowing up.

"Tord!" Edd shouted suddenly. He was on the sidewalk, right next to the robot. "What's going on?!"

"Hey, Edd!" Tord replied, waving. "Sorry! I just couldn't leave this behind. Thanks for holding onto it for me!"

"But I thought we were..." Edd looked down. "I thought we were friends!"

"Hah! No!" Tord sneered. "What would I need friends for when I've got this?! I'm unstoppable!" He laughed. God, he was insane.

"Hey! Sunshine Lollipops!" Tord looked at Tom. "Take a seat!" He threw a beeping cube at him, which transformed into a sofa, which safely bounced off of the giant robot.

"Oh, shut up!" Tord snarled, the giant robot arm switching into a canon.

"Tord, no!" Edd yowled desperately as a rocket was shot at Tom.

"Lame." The rocket hit him head-on.


The house exploded into rubble.

"Noo! My everythings!" Matt yelled hysterically.

"Tom!" To the side, a dead body with light brown hair, a blue top, and black pants lay. "No!" Edd was distraught.

"Ah! What a sight!" Tord said as he replaced the giant robot arm, laughing. "Well, I got what I came for. Goodbye, Edd! World's not gonna take over itself!" Tord shouted as his giant robot began to fly due to its jetpack.

Then the robot started to punch itself.

"Ouch! What the? Arg! What's wrong with this thing?" Tord muttered, pissed, as it continued to hurt itself.

On the ground, Matt was standing over the buttons. "This... is for the house!" He pressed one. "This is for my friend!" He pressed another one. "And this is for my face!" He began to spam the buttons angrily.

Little fists inside the robot began to punch Tord.

"Hey-- stop that!" Tord managed in-between grunts of pain.

Edd cleared his throat, catching Matt's attention. "May I join in?"

"No! No, he may not join in!" Tord growled, trying to dodge the fists.

"Be my guest," Matt replied. Together, they began to press the buttons.

"Jon? Jon!?" The noise of Eduardo yelling distracted them as they watched him cradle Jon. Oh. That wasn't Tom. "Speak to me, buddy! Say something you idiot!" Tears began to leak out of Eduardo's eyes.

"Heh... something... haha..."

Then, Jon went quiet.

Oh, god.

Jon was dead.

"Wait, if that's Jon... where's--"

While they were distracted, Tord used a laser beam to destroy the button machine.

"HA! So long, old friends!"

Then, from the rubble, Tom appeared. Crying.

"I... am not...your... FRIEND!"  Using the harpoon gun, he sent a harpoon at Tord.

"Uh oh." The harpoon slammed into the robot's back, destroying something vital. It had missed Tord by a few inches. But they didn't know that, now did they?

Still cradling Jon's dead body, Eduardo shouted, "Yeah! Good riddance!"

Edd and Matt were helping Tom stand. "I told you the harpoon gun would be useful," Tom said humorously.

Several days later...

"Here's the last box of things we got from the house," Edd said as he passed Tom(who was working on fixing Susan).

"Thanks! Uh, put it with the rest." Edd nodded, dumping the box of ash onto the pile of ash, Tomee bear in the ash.

"Lucky you bought this place when you did," Edd commented, glancing around.

"Hah, yeah... shame there's only room for me, though. The pictures make it look a lot bigger."

"Eh! My new place isn't much bigger. Matt's just finished redecorating his," Edd replied, shrugging. Opening a can of cola, he walked a few feet away. "Well, I guess it's time for me to go..."

"But you just got here," Tom reminded him.

"I'm gonna miss this ol' place."

"This is the first time you've ever been here."

"Ahh! Yep, a whole lot of memories."

"See you around, Edd," Tom said gently, a small smile on his face.

"See ya, Tom," Edd replied, closing the door. He sighed as he walked a few feet.

"Howdy, neighbor!" Matt said from his apartment door.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Wanna watch Insane Zombie Pirates Five?" Matt offered.


They both sat on the couch, Ringo in Edd's lap. Tom walked in front of the couch, carrying a bucket of popcorn, as he sat down.

"Hey, Tom?" Edd asked.


"I've always wondered... why are your eyes black?"

"Yeah.... why is that?"

"Hah! Well, it's a funny story, actually! It all started when I was younger, and..." Tom's voice drifted off into a mumble as he shoved his face full of popcorn.

"Tom! Tom, you're mumbling. Tom! Tom! You're mumbling!

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