chapter fourteen

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PM from RingoJingo to PastyPatryk

RingoJingo: Patryk?

PastyPatryk: Yes?

RingoJingo: I'm really worried for Tom

RingoJingo: like, really fucking worried

PastyPatryk: How come?

RingoJingo: well, I used the word abuse while I was talking to him

RingoJingo: and he asked me what abuse was

RingoJingo: and then-

RingoJingo: well

RingoJingo: you know the way he texts when he's upset?

PastyPatryk: Yeah.

RingoJingo: he started talking that way and he just seemed really disconnected

RingoJingo: especially after I told him it was illegal

PastyPatryk: You don't think...?

RingoJingo: yeah. I do. it's just

RingoJingo: I'm afraid I'm wrong cuz I don't want to bring that up and be wrong

RingoJingo: but I'm also really worried because

RingoJingo: " BlackEyedPeas: I GOT HURTBlackEyedPeas: THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO THIS STORY. "

RingoJingo: the more I look at it the more suspicious it gets

RingoJingo: and remember when he snapped at Jon that the place he lived in was his house and not his home?

RingoJingo: not to mention his lack of self-esteem

RingoJingo: it makes me worry so much because he's our friend and if a family member is hurting him, I want to help him

PastyPatryk: Who do you think is doing it?

RingoJingo: to be honest?

RingoJingo: I think it's his step-dad

PastyPatryk: His step-dad?

PastyPatryk: Why?

RingoJingo: do you remember how he got like

RingoJingo: idk

RingoJingo: defensive?

RingoJingo: not defensive

RingoJingo: but you asked about him and Tom just responded with "yeah"

RingoJingo: he seems to get really uncomfortable whenever we bring up family

PastyPatryk: Wait.

RingoJingo: what?

PastyPatryk: Tord has talked to him/seen him before in real life.

RingoJingo: so...?

PastyPatryk: He could probably help us decide this.

RingoJingo: okay, gimme a moment

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RingoJingo has invited PastyPatryk to Tom

RingoJingo has invited Tordylock to Tom

Tordylock accepted the invitation

PastyPatryk accepted the invitation

Tordylock: What's this?

RingoJingo: I want to talk about Tom

Tordylock: What's up with him?

(guys i'm not gonna repeat everything i said in the PM between Edd and Patryk, just guess how it goes down lmao)

RingoJingo: so... we kinda want your opinion on it

Tordylock: Oh

Tordylock: Ok well I didn't mention this because I thought it was a "whatever" thing but

Tordylock: Tom had a bruise around his neck

Tordylock: it was really light and tbh I just assumed it was hickeys from his girlfriend or something but now that I think about it there's no way, cuz he's way to innocent to have anything like that happen willingly

Tordylock: and the more I think about it, the more I realize it looked like it was from hands

RingoJingo: what do you mean?

Tordylock: I mean, it looked like bruises from being choked

RingoJingo: CHOKED?

Tordylock: Yeah

RingoJingo: what the fuck!

Tordylock: I remember when I raised my hand, he flinched

Tordylock: He refused to look me in the eye

Tordylock: He was acting really nervous, especially when he didn't know what time it was

Tordylock: He had a split lip, too

Tordylock: God, how did I not notice this before?

Tordylock: I shouldn't have been so careless

Tordylock: He could be seriously hurt!

PastyPatryk: Tord, you can't blame yourself.

Tordylock: Yeah, I know.

Tordylock: But we need to talk to him about this, okay?

Tordylock: We can't let something like this happen

Tordylock: Not to Tom.

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