chapter seventeen

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Tom could not stop smiling as his hands gripped the tree, heaving himself up. He latched on the top branch, slowly climbing on his roof. There hadn't been a car in the driveway, which meant David wasn't home. He opened his window and slipped in, landing on the ground softly. Tom grinned as he closed and locked the window, loving the feeling of Tord's hoodie draped around his body. It was like he was forever with the commie, which was pretty pleasant in the first place.

"Good morning, Tom. How was your little trip?"

Oh, fuck.

"M-Mike?" Tom stuttered, whipping around. His step-brother had his arms crossed, an amused look spreading across his face.

"Nice sweatshirt," Mike chuckled, watching as Tom began to panic.

"You're n-not gonna tell David, right?" he choked out, eyes wide.

"Oh, of course not!" Mike waved it off, Tom relaxing before he continued, "Nah, you're just in trouble with me."

"Mike, please, j-just let me leave this hellhole," Tom begged, beginning to shake with fear.

"Hellhole? No. You deserve to be in this hellhole," Mike snarled, demeanor changing.

"It wasn't my fault," Tom whimpered, tears starting to stream down his face. It really wasn't his fault, it really wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't.

"You're going to the rabbit hole," Mike grasped a hand on Tom's arm, the small boy resisting with as much power as he could.

"NO! No, not the rabbit hole! Please, no! Mike, Mike, Mike, please don't!" Tom screamed, panic settling in.

"Yes, the rabbit hole. It's been a long time for you, huh?" he laughed sadistically, no hint of guilt on his face.

"Mike! Mike, oh god, please, not the rabbit hole, Mike, stop it, stop it!" Tom wailed, having himself dragged down the stairs.

"You're not getting out of this. I warned you, Tom. Six days. You were that close. How does it feel?" Mike giggled, dragging him to a door.

"MIKE! MIKE, NO, PLEASE, DON'T!" Tom screeched, pulling his whole body weight against Mike's grasp. The much bigger person opened the door and shoved Tom into the small room, closing and locking the door behind him. Tom stopped talking, but sobs filled the tiny place. He only had enough space to stay in one spot, with a roof that barely let him stood up. The hole was shrouded in darkness, Tom unable to see anything. Terror filled his body, wondering if Tord would be worried about him. He curled into a ball, shifting his knees so the sweatshirt was covering his legs, and cried into the sleeve of Tord's sweatshirt, phone abandoned.


BlackEyedPeas: guys

BlackEyedPeas: i have something to tell you

RingoJingo: what's up, Tom? you seem upset?

BlackEyedPeas: i'm sorry

Tordylock: What for?

BlackEyedPeas: i'm not actually being abused

BlackEyedPeas: i don't know what got over me

BlackEyedPeas: i know, i'm a terrible person

BlackEyedPeas: i'm so sorry

Tordylock: I want my sweatshirt back.

BlackEyedPeas has left the groupchat

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