chapter thirty-four

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Keegan strapped Tom to the metal bed frame, a sinister grin stretched on his face. "Alright, so, I've heard you've been having symptoms of PTSD."

Tom kept his mouth shut.

"No reply? That's okay," the tall man chuckled. "Well, you do know of electroshock therapy, yes?" Tom nodded, the movement so small it was almost unnoticeable. "Good, good! We have heard it's supposed to help with mental illnesses."

"You're planning to shock me for information?" asked Tom quietly, shifting awkwardly from the coldness of the metal.

"Wow, you're quick!" he laughed excitedly, grabbing a large, broken wire. "See, what's going to happen is-" the noise of something being flicked on echoed through the room, "-this will be pressed into your skin."

"Great," Tom muttered sarcastically, bracing himself for pain. Keegan lightly began to press the wire into Tom's thigh, forcing a loud curse to escape his lips.

Keegan clicked his tongue. "Interesting." He took it off of Tom's skin, staring at the burn mark it had left. "What about..." Keegan moved it towards his inner thigh, leaving it hovering right above.

"Wait, wait, wait, no, not-" Tom was cut off when Keegan pushed the wire into his skin, causing an actual scream to escape him. "STOP, stop, stop, stop, please stop!"

"What is the Red Leader's name?" Keegan countered, pressing the wire harder into his skin.

Tom only replied with screams, the pain surprisingly unbearable. Tears were streaming out of his eyes as he attempted to shut down.

The ringing in his ears were the only thing he could hear. The taste of iron filled his mouth as he bit his tongue. The feeling of shocks made him shake, the cold irrelevant at this point. Time felt slowed down, eyes screwed shut as he struggled against his restraints.

Why was he protecting Tord?

Why was he being forced to going through this?

Why was he here in the first place?

Why was he not giving in?


Why hadn't Tord saved him yet?

Did Tord not have the ability to find him?

Did Tord have too much fear to face his enemies?

Did Tord have no time to save him?

Did Tord even want to save him?

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