chapter thirty-seven

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Tom didn't really remember when he fell asleep, but he must have dozed off. He had faint, fleeting memories of being carried out of the building, then some road flying by, but that was about it.

He slowly opened his eyes, everything around him blurry. He blinked the feeling away.

"Hey, Tom. How are you?" Tom turned his head towards the voice, relaxing when he saw Patryk's form.

"I'm okay," he responded, pulling himself into a sitting position.

"Do me a favor and don't move anymore." Patryk was sitting next to the bed, smiling softly. "We don't want you breaking your stitches."

"My... stitches?" Tom repeated after a pause, nose crinkling.

"Yeah. You were shot in the leg, remember?" Patryk replied softly. Tom only answered with a nod. "Are you willing to take visitors? I'm sure Tord and Paul want to see you. Oh, and Edd and Matt."

For a moment, Tom stared at him. "O-only one at a time. And stay in... stay in the room. Please."

His face softened. "Alright." Patryk gently ruffled Tom's hair before getting up and leaving the room.

He returned not a minute later with Paul behind him. Paul's mouth curved lightly into a smile when he saw Tom. "Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?"

He offered Paul a fake smile. "I'm doing better than before, so..." Tom let out a weary chuckle.

Paul walked closer as he said, "We're glad to have you back, bud."

"It's good to be back," Tom agreed.

"So... why did you only want one visitor at a time?" Paul asked gently.

Tom didn't respond. Instead, he turned to Patryk and questioned, "Where are we?"

"You're camped out in Tord's bedroom," Patryk answered, watching as Tom looked around.

"Oh. Right."

"Alright, buddy. I'm gonna leave and send somebody else in, okay?" Though Paul was already leaving the room, Tom nodded anyway.

Edd rushed in next, eyes wide with concern. "Tom!" he shouted. Tom flinched. "S-sorry. I won't yell."

"Thank you." Tom bit his lip anxiously.

"Are you alright? Do you need something?" Edd fretted, tapping his foot.

"Actually, some water would be nice," he replied, lowering his head. Then his eyes widened. "You-you know what, anything but- anything but water."

Edd furrowed his eyebrows but nodded, turning and leaving the room, giving a thumbs up when Patryk ordered, "Bring someone else in."

There was only silence in the room, Patryk a few feet from the bed. Finally, he spoke up. "Why didn't you want water?"

Tom turned towards Patryk. He only shook his head in response.

They both looked up when the door creaked open, Matt poking his head into the room. He pushed completely inside, closing the door behind him, holding what looked like juice. "Hey, Tom. Edd told me to bring you apple juice." Tom outstretched his hand, Matt giving the drink to him. Softly, he pressed the glass to his lips, relishing in the coldness. They barely fed him or give him something to drink. He might as well enjoy this while it lasts.

"Thank you, Matt," he said quietly, nodding his head.

"It's no problem, Tom. How are you feeling?" Tom couldn't help but feel surprise creeping in at the concern in his voice. Well, that, and the fact Matt remembered his name.

"I've been better, but I'm doing alright," Tom replied, giving Matt a fake smile to relieve him of his worries.

"Good. That's, uh, that's good," Matt stuttered.

"Where is Tord?" Tom asked, voice small as he stared uncertainly at Matt.

"I-I could get him if you want me to," Matt offered, already taking a step back.

"That would be great, thank you," he responded, his tense shoulders finally relaxing. Matt turned and rushed out of the room, forcing another awkward silence to settle with Patryk and Tom.

"You really like Tord, huh?" Patryk questioned, giving Tom an ineligible look.

Tom paused, nodding a moment after. "Yeah. Yeah, I really do."

Their conversation was cut short when the Norwegian walked into the room, obviously excited. "Tom, hey, Tom." Tord's grin was bigger than usual, his reddish eyes glistening.

"Heya, Tord," Tom said weakly, his smile finally real.

"How are you, kjære?" Tord rushed closer, and for a moment, Tom froze.

He tortured me, Miss's voice echoed in his mind.

Tom remembered his dream, too. Mike's eyes flashing to Tord's. Right before-

Tom only realized he was cowering when Tord stepped back.

"S-sorry, just don't come in so fast," he whispered, his mind still sorting through thoughts of Miss. "Patryk, would you mind... would you mind leaving the room?"

Patryk's eyes widened. "Tom, are you su-"

"Now," Tom interrupted, trying to keep his voice steady. Patryk nodded and hurried out of the room. Tom turned his attention towards Tord. "You do know who it was, right?"

Tord averted his eyes. "Yeah. I recognized their symbol."

"The Blue Army." Tom knew he sounded apathetic. "Can you guess what they wanted?" Tord only replied with a mute nod. "What did you do, Red Leader?" Tom sneered, leaning forward.

"The Blue Army and my army, the, uh, Red Army, have been fighting for longer than I can remember." Tord paused. "I was trained at a young age to take over the army, and after my mother was killed - she was the previous leader - I took control. Since I was young, and my father was long since dead, Paul and Patryk were assigned to me. They had only been five years older than me, but I was fourteen, and they are nineteen. My mother knew them well, so she trusted them. But, basically, I was an army leader for awhile before those two forced a break on me. Uh, can-can I ask a question?"

"I don't see why not," Tom mused, watching the Norwegian expectantly.

"Did you tell them anything?" Tord looked nervous, picking gently at his sweatshirt.

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'. "Not a single thing. Anyway. I wanna ask about one of the captors; she claimed you tortured her."

"What was her name?"

"Well, her real was Elizabeth, but she might've called herself Miss," Tom answered, pressing his back into the pillows.

"Miss? Yeah, I remember her. Did you...?" Tord trailed off.

"Yeah." His voice was stiff. "She was my stepmother."

"Oh." Tord's eyes widened. "Look, Tom, I'm sorry. It was all my fault you were captured. I shouldn't have let you out of my sight. It's dangerous to be near me so much."

"God damnit, Tord, just come here." Tord obeyed, rushing forward, not expecting Tom to wrap his arms around Tord's neck and lean towards him.

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