chapter forty-six

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It was dark out, stars shining brightly. Edd was digging a whole into their green yard, a broken, checkered bass next to the whole. Tom's bass guitar.

Edd stood up from the hole, letting out a deep sigh as the crickets continued to chirp, dirt splattered on the side of his face. "How did I get myself into this mess?"


Edd walked past Tom's room, only to skid to a stop when something inside caught his interest. Inside, stood against his bed, was Tom's bass guitar. Just laying out in the open. Sure, Edd had seen it, but not without Tom right next to it. He carefully entered the room, glancing sideways to check for the Brit, before walking towards the bass. He stared at it blankly for a moment before a mischievous smile made its way onto his lips, hand grabbing at the guitar. He brought it up so he was holding it like a professional - well, how he's seen Tom hold it. He strummed his fingers gently at the strings.

His fun, of course, was cut off when he saw something black walk across the red floor. "AH! A spider!" Edd shouted, lifting the bass and slamming it against the defenseless creature. As the bass made contact with the ground, it broke. Oh, shit. Was he really that strong?


Rolling his eyes, Edd mumbled to himself, "Oh, yeah." He continued digging, throwing dirt back with his shovel.

Then he hit something that wasn't dirt.

It was gray, but was covered with brown. Edd brought his hands down and brushed off the dirt. Strange symbols appeared that were carved into stone. Edd's eyes widened.

He jumped out of the hole, barging in through the front door of his home and rushing to the living room, where Tom(who was obviously bored), Matt(who looked dead inside), and Tord(the only one seemingly paying attention) were watching a movie.

"Hey guys, check this out!" They all looked up at him, bored. They stood, making their way out the livingroom.

Later, when they were outside and all staring at the strange stone, Edd said, "I think it's some kind of old Egyptian door or something." Immediately, all their attention's peaked, only to return to their bored expressions at the last word.

"I am very disappointed right now," Matt mocked, beginning to head back inside.

"Great," lied Tord, following Matt.

"Uh-huh. That's- that's gre- WHAT IN THE NAME OF THIS DELICIOUS BOWL OF EDDSWORLD CEREAL HAPPENED TO MY BASS?" Tom pointed at the broken guitar, which was amazingly hidden behind the pile of dirt, his eyes narrowed.

"But there might be treasure down there!" Edd called to Matt and Tord, ignoring Tom.

"Treasure?" They both turned around, speaking in unison, smiling greedily.

Immediately, Tord hopped in the hole, pulling rope out of nowhere, opening the door and lowering the rope. He began to quickly slide down it, entering a dark abyss of nothing. Tom quickly followed suit, Edd(who was also in the hole) watching the duo jump down. He glanced up at the remainder, turning toward him.

"For the last time, Matt, no pirate hats." Matt pouted, letting out a pirate noise. With a roll of his eyes, but a reassuring smile towards Matt, he slid down the rope as well, Matt quickly following suit.

Then the rope break, the four screaming as they fell, only to land with a loud shout of pain.

Shaking off all their dizziness, Edd glanced around. He couldn't see anything except for the white of everybody's eyes.

Except for one, of course.

"Where's Tom?" he asked, lighting a magic torch that apparently just appeared in his hand. Tom stood there, glaring at Edd with a passion. Right. He didn't have eyes. "Oh... well, looks like I have the only light."

Tord lifted his hands, revealing a flashlight. "Nope, I have one too-" Edd quickly knocked the flashlight onto the ground, breaking it. Tord sighed, staring at it. That was an expensive flashlight. "Never mind."

Edd shined his torch around, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "We need to find another way out of here." Everyone nodded in agreement, beginning to head down the only open corridor, passing two skeletons as they walked. One was wearing a baseball cap and the other was wearing an Indiana Jones costume. Apparently. As they passed it, Matt stole the hat off of the Indiana one, fitting it tightly on his head with a smile, passing an Egyptian cat tomb thing.

The tomb opened, a mummy reaching its hand out.

The four continued walking down the hallway without noticing the monster, turning to reveal that it split off two ways.

"Looks like we'll have to split up..." Edd glanced worryingly between Tom and Tord; they couldn't be put together. "I'll take Tom."

"Oh, YEAH!" Tom cheered excitedly. "In your face, Tord!" He turned swiftly, jabbing his finger into Tord's face. "In your face!"

"So I'm stuck with Tord?!" Matt asked, using his thumb to point at the Norwegian, who was glaring at him. "No offence, I mean... ya'know." Tord and Matt entered the left corridor, Tom and Edd entering the right.

"Hmm... seems safe enough," mused Edd, placing a hand in front of his mouth. Tom walked up so he was standing next to Edd, the brunet smiling viciously. "Uhh-- what's that over there!?"

"Huh?" Tom asked curiously, only to yelp when Edd pushed him in front. "AHHHHH- THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! THE ARROWS ARE EVERYWHERE!! THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE!" Ignoring his screams, Edd began to bounce a red ball he apparently pulled out of his fucking ass. "WHY WON'T IT STOP?! PLEASE SOMEONE LET ME DIE!" Edd checked a timer he also magically pulled out his ass. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! OH, THE PAIN!" He was finally thrown back next to Edd, bleeding profusely, along with an arrow stuck in his head. "...I hate you."

They continued down the corridor, finally reaching an open space. Matt and Tord entered from a different hallway, looking as though they had been put through some shit as well. That caused Tom to laugh, pointing tiredly at Tord. "Hahaha... in your face!" Tom paused. "You know, next time, you take him."

They all shut their mouths when they simultaneously noticed a large treasure chest not that far away from them. They all walked forward, Edd rushing to inspect the chest, bending down slightly... only to sigh deeply. "Looks like we need a key." He stood up straight, cocking his head to the side. "I wonder where it could be..."

Edd turned around, jumping in terror when he saw a mummy. Like, a real, live mummy. What the hell?

"Holy crap!" Tom shouted. The others all looked at him, deadpan. "Uh... I mean, holy pop tarts in a pencil sharpener!" They continued to stare. "No...? I'll go over there." He stepped a few feet away, pouting.

On a more important note, the mummy began to chant in ancient Egyptian or something. In the middle of the chant, he said Super Nintendo. I'm done with your shit, mummy.

"Uhm... okay?" Edd said in a questioning tone, glancing back at Tord and Matt. As rock music began to play, hands began to pop through the ground, the hands actually belonging to a new mummy. Matt screeched like a little girl, hopping into Tord's arms, kind of like Shaggy and Scooby. The mummies began to walk toward them, only to be cut off by a loud whacking noise. Tom had hit the two mummies with broken glass bottles.

"Jinkies," Tom spat in a sly tone. Hot.

Edd, on the other hand, had set fire to the mummy that was attacking him. Which, in reality, just burnt off its... clothes, I guess. The skeleton that was once a mummy slammed him into a pillar. The skeleton laughed at Edd's misfortune, only to realize the pillar had broken and was about to, in fact, fall on him. "Oh, cra-" The skeleton was cut off when the pillar landed on him, his bones flying everywhere... including a key, which conveniently landed on Edd's lap.

Shaking off his dizziness, he stood and made his way towards the treasure chest. Slowly fitting it inside the lock, all four excitedly standing around it, he clicked the key. Aaaaaand the the floor opened up. Great.

They all fell, screaming like little kids.

"Hey, I'm alive!" Matt gasped inside the hole. "You guys broke my fall!" No one answered. "Guys...? Guys?"

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