chapter forty-two

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"Toooord!" Tom whined, "Hurry uuuup." Edd and Matt snickered, watching Tom. His back was facing them, staring intently at the hallway that lead to Tord's room.

"Damn it- fuck off!" Tord yelled back, "I'll be there in a minute."

"Whyyy?" Tom was dragging his voice out, leaning in his chair. He was grinning like an idiot, eyes wrinkled.

"BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY!" Everyone bursted out into laughter, Edd almost falling out of his chair as a result.

"Sorry, I don't think I heard you, could you repeat that?" Tom lied. They watched as Tord rushed out of his room, just as Tom started to lean forward, forward, and...

The chair slammed on the floor, Tom scrambling to catch himself on something. As he was falling, he shouted, "Oh, fUCK ME!"

Everyone was laughing like crazy as they attempted to stifle it, leaping to check on him. "Oh my god, Tom, are you alright?!" Tord shouted in concern.

Tom stood up, pale faced, fixing the chair. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little, uh, spooked." He sat back down, Tord sighing as he joined the table.

"That was quite the adventure," Tord joked, smiling.

"Why do you look like you just had sex with someone?" Edd asked, looking at him. He had ruffled hair, his sleeves were pulled up, bags under his eyes... the whole set.

"Yeah, I was having sex with your mom," Tord snapped back, flipping Edd off. He ran his fingers through his hair, yawning stiffly.

"Rude!" Edd gasped back, reaching to poke Tord. A moment later, silence filled the group.

"What are we supposed to talk about?" Matt blurted suddenly, staring at them with eyes wide.

"Go on a website and look for a conversation starter, babe." Edd shrugged. Matt nodded in agreement and took out his phone.

"Gaaaay," Tom whispered, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Gaaaaaaaaay," Tord joined in. They were hiding smiles behind their hands.

"We caught you two kissing on the couch, shut your mouths," Edd growled, leaning to look at Matt's screen.

"Okay, okay, I found a good one! What is the strangest dream you've ever had?"

"Oh, alright, I'm going right now. I was at the local supermarket and I was stealing bananas, and Obama looked at me, frowned, and gave me two thumbs down."

"What the fuck, commie."

"Okay, no more dreams," Edd said, acting horrified. His mouth was agape, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, but the curving of his mouth into a small smile was obvious.

"You asked, asshole," Tord replied, rolling his eyes.

"You guys want something to drink?" Edd asked, standing up.

"What do you got?" Tord asked, tapping on the table lightly.

"Uhhh... cola, beer, Smirnoff-"

"You have Smirnoff?" Tom immediately snapped to attention, head whipping up to look at Edd.

Edd chuckled softly, nodding, so Tom just handed him an empty flask that was in his pocket. Edd gave them a peace sign and rushed away.

"I thought you didn't drink alchohol," Tord asked, cocking his head slightly.

"I will make exceptions for anything if Smirnoff is included," Tom replied, sticking his tongue out. "Besides, I used to be quite the drinker. Drunk every other day."

"What made you change your mind, alchoholic?"

"Drunk every other day?" Edd interrupted hurriedly, noticing Tom's discomfort as soon as he walked into the room. "Sounds like quite the feat."

"Damn straight," he joked, relaxing when everybody was laughing.

Matt chuckled, but a little bit of concern crossed his face as he said, "Seriously, though, have you been sleeping well, Tord?"

"Psh, yeah. Work has been a bit stressful, that's about it," he replied, shrugging it off.

"Dude, I have forgotten what sleep feels like." Tom had his face in his hands, a dopey grin stuck on his face.

"You slept for, like, twelve hours a little while ago," Tord protested, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, yeah, but... alright, I don't have a reasonable excuse for that." Tom laughed softly, biting his lip.

Edd shook his head as he stated, "That's halfway to a coma."

Tord paused for a moment before saying, "Twenty four hours is a coma?"

"Oh, shit."

Everyone turned their gaze to Tom. "Wait, have you...?" Edd began slowly.

"I mean- technically?" Tom hit his head on the table, leaving it there. "Oh my god."

"Why?!" Edd shouted, facepalming.

"Can we change the subject?" Tom whined, only to yawn a moment later.

"I dunno, you seem pretty tired. Maybe we should send you off to bed," Tord teased, poking Tom's side.

"Go away," Tom hissed, warily looking up.

"Come on, you are not spending any more time out here," Tord ordered, standing up and gently grabbing Tom's arm.

"Fine," Tom groaned, rising and stumbling towards his room- with Tord's help, of course.

"See you later, love birds!" Edd called, grinning excitedly for their answer.

"Fuck off," they yelled back in unison.

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