chapter fifty-three

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Tom was searching for houses/new roommates due to being replaced with Tord.

The first house he went to was owned by a blonde surfer dude. The guy led him into a closet, attempting to present it as 'spacious'. It wasn't.

The second house he went to was labelled as "Evil Laboratory". Probably owned by Lenker. There was a security camera right below the words. On the front door, there was a sign that said "Evil Room To Let". Tom walked up and rang on the doorbell, only to be chased off by two dogs that had axes in their mouths.

The third house he went to was owned by Kim and Katya. They watched as Tom glanced around his new room, gaping excitedly. He hopped on the bed, throwing his hands up. Then a fucking airplane landed right next to him. Oh, right. This house was not five feet from the airport.

The fourth house he went to was owned by a sweet, old lady who smiled at him as she opened the door. Then she sent her dogs chasing him away because no one fucks with Eduardo's grandma.

The fifth house he went to collapsed the second he knocked on it. It was made out of cardboard. He sighed.

The sixth house he went to was in space. Fitted in a space suit, he pressed a red button which released those same dogs again. And a cat. Apparently.

The seventh house he went to was haunted.

The eighth house was on fire.

The ninth house was haunted and on fire.

The tenth house, he was a little scared of, as it had a bunch of 'Beware of Dog' signs on it. He gently knocked, only for the door to fly open and have him being bombarded by birds.

The eleventh house wasn't exactly a house.

"Ah! My dream house. Everything is gonna be fine!"

In case you're wondering, his 'dream house' is apparently cardboard boxes held up by sticks. He sat down... and began to sob.

The trashcan began to rattle, a man who was covered in blood popping out. "Hey, neighbor! What are you doing here, then?"

"Oh! No reason," he answered, waving his hands dismissively. "Just that my stupid 'friends' gave my room to our stupid old housemate who is totally stupid with his magic sofas and his stupid red hoodie and nobody even appreciates my awesome harpoon gun, so anyway I left and now I'm homeless." His happy expression disappeared. "My 'friends' are stupid."

"Friends?! Puh!" the crazy man said. "Who needs friends when you've got rat puppets?" He pulled out two dead rats that were connected to wood by string. "Come on, lads! Let's put on a show!" he cheered. "Badaba- oh, he's gone."

He finally just walked into a building, got an appointment or something, sat on a chair, and said "One house, please!"

"Sure thing!" the salesman said. "What kind of hou-"

Tom showed him a crappy drawing of a castle.

"Okay... how much money are you-"

A large piggy bank appeared on the table.


The salesman smashed it with a hammer, revealing a smaller pig. He smashed it again to reveal yet another smaller pig. He smashed it and it somehow grew five times its size. He smashed that one open to reveal a ton of money.

He walked out of the building, holding his brand new keys. "Ah! My own place." He sighed wistfully. "That crazy homeless man was right! I don't need friends. I know when I'm not... wanted!?" He gaped as he saw the flyer. He began to rush past the supermarket, eyes narrowed.

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