chapter thirty-two

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Tom hissed out in pain as he woke. Blinking warily, he glanced around. His head hurt. He closed his eyes again, trying to remember. He hadn't gotten drunk, had he? No, that wasn't it. Tom went to move forward, eyes snapping open when he realized he couldn't. In a panic, he tugged at the ropes. He was tied to a chair.

"Well, well. Look who's awake!" a new voice shouted cheerily. Tom whipped his head around to glance at the owner of it. The guy was tall. Masculine. Utterly fucking terrifying.

Tom sucked it up. He couldn't be scared. Not right now. "Where the hell am I?"

"You're at one of the Blue Army's hideouts!" he responded, grinning brightly.

"Army? The hell? Is this some sort of prank?" Tom spat back. 'Army'? Seriously?

"A prank?" The man's arm reached out towards the table he was standing by. All the color drained out of Tom's face. "I wouldn't say so, darling." He waved the gun around. Tom shut his mouth. Yeah, he was definitely scared now. "Awh, cat got your tongue?"

"Keegan. Stop." Tom froze. He recognized that voice. Slowly, oh so slowly, he turned his head around.

His breath hitched.


"Hello, Thomas."

It was definitely Miss. She still had her light brown, braided hair, soft cheeks, plump lips, and her shining amber eyes.

Or, should he say, eye.

Her face was scarred, one of her eyes dimmed out. There was a large mark on the bridge of her nose, a light pink signaling that it had healed as much as it could.

After he found his voice, he managed to stutter out, "Miss, we- we thought you- we all thought you were dead. You never came back from the war."

"Is that what your boyfriend told you?" Miss spat, advancing toward him.

"Boyfriend?" Tom repeated, confusion growing in his gaze.

"The Red Leader. Always wearing the red? The one who's sweatshirt you're always wearing?" Miss sounded bored, only a couple feet away from him.

"Oh, you mean-..." Tom paused. "Why do you need to know?"

"Do you... do you not understand, Thomas? He- HE DID THIS TO ME!" She jabbed her face into Tom's comfort zone, causing his eyes to widen. "He tortured me! Killed my friends, he and that other two. He's a murderer, Tom. And we? We can stop him. Now. What's his name?"

"His name?" Tom paused. "It's Johnny Depp."

"Johnny De-? Oh, for god's sake- Keegan, get the water."

"On it!" the man responded in a sing-song voice.

"Come on, Thomas. I'll give you one more chance." Tom looked at her, then at Keegan, who was placing a large container of water next to him.

He turned back towards her before leaning forward as much as his restraints would allow. "No," he spat. Miss growled angrily before grasping at Tom's hair.

Peace was a fragile thing.

"Wrong. Answer." Miss forced Tom into the water. Immediately, he began to struggle, but her grip was just too strong.

Why was he doing this, anyways? If what she said was true, then Tord was a terrible person. He had killed people.

But then, so had Tom.

Then the panic settled in.

Was she going to kill him? He couldn't breathe. Tom tried to suddenly move up with all his strength. But he was too weak. He was going to die.

Then, Miss pulled him up again. "Give me his name," she hissed.

Tom was gasping for air. After a moment, he managed to sputter out, "Fuck you."

She shook her head as the slammed his head into the container once more.

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