chapter twenty-one

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"Tom!" someone yelped, causing Tom to jerk his head in that direction. He almost toppled over when Edd jumped on him, squeezing him tightly. Tom blinked in surprise, breath hitched.

"Uhm... hi," he offered, running his hand through his hair.

"Matt and I were so worried!" Edd shouted in his air, letting the boy go, "Tord told us that he had found you yesterday, did you know you were on the news, nobody could find you, Tord told us that your step-dad was keeping you in the house, but they went on air to talk about your disappearance, was he the one who told us you were lying in the groupchat, because I know you, and you wouldn't lie-"

"Edd, you're overwhelming Tam," Matt stopped him, placing a hand on the bigger man's shoulder, smiling softly.

"It's... just Tom."

"Right. Where's Todd?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ," Tom facepalmed, giggling slightly.

Tord popped his head out of the kitchen, noticing the duo had arrived, "Ah! Det er Edd og Matt!" he exclaimed, running out of the room to stand by Tom's side.

"Speak of the devil," Tom joked, elbowing his side. Tord only responded with a smile, beaming down at him.

"Are you guys together yet?" a new voice interrupted, walking to stand with the friends.

"Well, are you and Paul together yet?" Tord responded in a snarky voice, glaring at the speaker, who was, of course, Patryk.

"Tord," Patryk paused, a flash of confusion on his face, "Paul and I are married."

"Shit, I forgot," Tord swore, before breaking into laughter, slapping his knee as the rest of the group joined him.

"How do you just forget-" Tom had to take a deep breath before continuing- "someone is married!?"

"I'm sorry!" protested Tord, "I just - I just did!" he wheezed, tears beginning to stream from his eyes. Everyone was still laughing, and Edd finally fell over from how hard he was giggling, causing everyone to laugh even harder.

"This whole conversation is a fucking train wreck," Patryk gasped between his laughter.

"I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now," Tord accused, crossing his arms and glaring at Patryk, trying to keep his laughter in.

"It's just a prank, bro," Tom rubbed his eyes, a grin covering his face as he added his meme.

"Good memes machine broke," Edd referenced, glaring at Tom at the memory as he stood back up.

"Understandable, have a great day," continued Patryk, clasping his hands together while smiling.

A long pause enveloped them until they all heard Paul whisper, "boi."

"Where the fuck did you come from?!" Edd yelped in surprise, staring at him as he stood next to Patryk.

"I came in, like, two seconds ago," Paul assured, lopsidedly grinning.

Tord, who wasn't phased, added, "I have failed you," as he wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Lie down," Tom muttered, pushing Tord. The taller boy stared at him in confusion before Matt started giggling.

"Try not to cry," the ginger giggled, hands on his hips.

"Cry a lot," Edd finally understood what they were referencing, joining in, smirking at Tord.

"Guess I'll die," Tord shrugged, sitting on the ground as he stared at the rest of the group.

"How do you do, fellow kids?" Paul asked, sitting down as well.

"Who the hell are you people, and what have you done with my friends?" Tord questioned, sounding horrified, eyes wide.

"I'm Bill Nye," Edd whispered, plopping on the ground.

"The name is Jacob Sartorious," Matt replied confidently, joining Edd on the ground.

"I'm TheLegend27," Patryk chuckled, sitting next to Paul.

"And I," Tom said, trying to sound dramatic, "am Biggie Cheese." He sat himself on the ground quickly, staring at all his friends, who were sitting on the floor. Everyone let out a collective gasp as though they were shocked.

"Oh no. It's retarded," Tord mocked, head turned to Tom. Tom blew a raspberry at him, but was still smiling.

"Did we actually have a conversation of practically just memes?"

"Worth it."

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