chapter twenty nine

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It was raining when I returned to London. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence in the dreary city, but definitely an unwelcome one. However, I couldn't really care. Even as rain soaked through my clothes and left my hair dripping as I searched for a cab, I was too wrapped up in getting back to Rhys to give the weather much thought. 

I had spent the long flight across the Atlantic Ocean reflecting over everything. Even as I recalled the look of hurt in Andy's eyes and the words he'd shot like bullets, I couldn't regret the way things had happened. I had never meant to bring Andy any pain, but I couldn't help but think it was unavoidable. I just hoped he would move on and find someone who would love him the way he deserved.

By the time I finally flagged down a car, the sparse sun was setting in the overcast sky. The smell of the city and its heavy smog was oddly refreshing. Passing by the places I'd spent the past two years getting to know, I was reminded more and more of why this was the city I now called home. I pulled out my phone which had been rendered useless while I was in America and quickly turned it on, hoping it was still charged.

Luckily, it was at 17%, allowing a barrage of messages and calls to flood my phone all at once. I wasn't exactly surprised by their central message. My friends were asking where I was. Grace was being her usual drama queen self and freaking out over the "love triangle," though I would hardly call it that. Peter sent me a few irrtitated texts, jokingly blaming me for leaving him with a sad whiny Rhys, then ending it with a serious, "rhys wont tll me exacttly wut happend but i know u 2 and i kno u belong togther so git ur skinny ass home asap." My dad had sent a message asking why I'd missed family dinner on Sunday.

There was one message from Rhys from the day after I left. "I love you, Kourt. Please call me back... I just want to know that you're okay."

I read the message a few times, my heart squeezing at the tender care in the short simple text.

When the taxi pulled up to my apartment, I handed a few crumpled bills to the driver and bolted out of the backseat. I waved distractedly at one of our neighbors and tapped my foot as I waited for the elevator to reach the lobby. When the doors slid open with a beep, I rushed inside and smashed my finger against the button for the 23rd floor.

By the time I was turning the key in the door, my hands were shaking with anticipation. My mind was whirring with imaginations of what could happen when I faced Rhys. Would he welcome me back with open arms or break my heart?

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door. All my anxiety was for nothing since the apartment was empty. The lights were off, except for the one in the kitchen we always left on for Riot. Shadows cast across the walls and highlighted the loneliness that seemed to seep from the walls. If it wasn't for the click of Riot's claws on the floor, I would have wondered if Rhys had even stayed here the past few nights.

Dropping my bag in the doorway, I couldn't help but smile as Riot rounded the corner. Puppy-like exuberance greeted me as she happily licked me and brushed her soft fur against my skin. I petted her for a few moments before leaving her with an apologetic smile and a promise to be back soon. 

As much as I wanted to lay down in my familiar bed and cuddle with my puppy, I had to find Rhys first. There was an endless possibility of places he could be. Usually, he worked at the coffee shop tonight and I could only hope he was still there.

The shop was only a couple blocks from our apartment, so with hurried steps I rushed back out into the pouring rain. All around me, people rushed by, brandishing umbrellas and hiding beneath thick coats. I was only wearing a thin jacket, not having thought to change while I was home, and the thin material was drenched. The cold soaked me to the bone, bringing shivers and chattering teeth. But I barely even thought about it, so intent on getting to Rhys.

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