chapter fifteen

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The outdoor seating in front of Pinkberry was crowded, with everyone from couples to rambunctious groups of teenagers to smiling families. My dad and I sat at a table by a large fountain. The day was warm and perfect for spring.

I spooned another bite of strawberry frozen yogurt into my mouth as we basked in comfortable silence.

"So, have you started thinking about colleges?" my dad asked.

I shrugged, taking a bite of my yogurt. "Maybe UCLA or something. I don't know."

"Well you should start thinking about it. Your junior year is going to fly by and then you'll have to start making college decisions."

"I guess," I said.

My dad smiled. "You should consider applying to some universities in London."

"I don't know," I said unsurely. "Why are you so eager for me to come to London anyway?"

"I want to get to know you," he explained. "I really regret my past actions and I want us to establish a better relationship."

"I just don't know if London is really the right place for me."

"You won't know until you try it."

"Maybe," I said.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I quickly pulled it out. I had a text from Andy. I smiled and opened it.

"Sitting down to talk with Juliet now. Gonna break up with her finally. She said she wants to talk too so maybe it'll be mutual. Anyway have fun with your dad. Love you," he wrote.

"Yay. Let me know how it goes. I'm so excited to have you all to myself. Love you too," I replied, adding a few heart emojis.

"Who are you texting?" my dad asked as I set my phone down.

"Just a friend," I shrugged.

"Your mom thinks you have a secret boyfriend or something."

I nearly choked on the frozen yogurt in my mouth.

"That's ridiculous," I said, once I recovered from my shock.

"That's what I told her, but for some reason, she's convinced."

"Do you and my mom talk a lot?" I asked.

"Of course. We talk about once a week, just so I can know how you're doing. Ever since you were seven and I couldn't be there, she would tell me how you were and what you liked now. When you were younger, it seemed like every week there was some new thing you loved."

"You really called to check on me?"

"Yes, Kourt," he answered.

"I figured after you left and married Claire you didn't really care about me anymore, " I admitted, pulling at the sleeves of my hoodie.

"I've always cared, Kourt. I left because I wasn't happy, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you. You're my daughter. I love you, always."

"I love you too," I said quietly.

I'd always thought my dad didn't really care about me after he left us behind for his better British life. I couldn't believe he'd been checking on me all that time. I always just assumed he didn't care.

Shortly after our frozen yogurt had disappeared and the weather began to cool, we parted ways. I got into my car, still feeling the warmth of my dad's hug against my skin. It was so odd to acknowledge the striking change from the first time we reunited. My hate had evaporated and in its place was a semblance of love. I didn't quite know or trust the man fully, but I was at least giving him a chance. 

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