chapter twenty one

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I remember looking forward to birthdays with unbridled excitement. When I was sixteen and wrapped around the idea of loving Andy, I couldn't wait to turn a year older. Back then, it meant a year closer to our relationship being real and legal and perfect. It meant a year closer to being his.

However, here I was, turning eighteen, and the eagerness had faded and it was just another day. I was in my first year of university and life felt like it was flying by. I'd had classes all day and was just looking forward to going home and cuddling with Rhys on the couch while we watched X Factor. 

Rhys and I had moved in together a few months ago. I'd been pretty adamant about moving out and my dad had been firmly against me moving into Rhys' cramped bachelor pad. After sleeping over at the flat, I already knew the horrors of Peter walking around naked and Harry drinking straight from the milk carton. So when my dad purchased a flat only a  few blocks from his own, Rhys and I had no qualms about relocating to the spacious loft. We'd been together for nearly two years now, and it was the natural progression for our relationship.

I liked it. I liked waking up next to Rhys and kissing him awake, wrapped in warm bedsheets as I connected the constellation of freckles on his pale back. I liked the way our toothbrushes touched in their holder and the mix of our soaps and shampoos that lined the rack in the shower. I liked coming home, stressed out over assignments and life, and being greeted by smiling eyes and the scent of Rhys' warm cologne.

And everything was just really nice.

Turning my key in the door, I pushed it open, nearly dragging my feet as I walked inside. I dropped my bag to the ground with a loud thump and Riot immediately greeted me, tail wagging and pink tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Rhys was absent from the scene, even though I knew he was off work today and didn't have any classes. The apartment was suspiciously quiet.

"Babe?" I called.

"In the bedroom!" he replied loudly.

I sighed, pulling my hair into a quick ponytail as I walked into the kitchen. I flipped through the pile of mail on the countertop and refilled Riot's water bowl, before heading into the bedroom.

"Happy birthday, love," Rhys said as I entered, planting a quick kiss on my lips. He only had a white towel wrapped around his waist, dark hair soaked. "I have a surprise for you."

"Thanks," I smiled, "but didn't we already go over this earlier?"

"You said nothing major. This isn't major.".

"Then what's the surprise?"

"Can't tell you," he shrugged. "Wouldn't be a surprise then, would it? Just get dressed."

"I am dressed."

"You're wearing leggings or whatever," Rhys admonished. "Real clothes."

"They're yoga pants and they are real clothes," I replied. "You have to tell me where we're going so I know how to dress."

"Nice try." He smirked before turning towards the bathroom door. "Just wear something casual but nice, you know?"

With that, the blow dryer turned on and drowned out any chance I had at asking more questions.

I rolled my eyes and ventured into the walk-in closet in our bedroom, stepping over Rhys' discarded clothes and Riot's napping form. I had no idea what I was supposed to wear after Rhys' vague instructions. Deciding I would just stick with casual, I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, knee high boots, and a nice top. Once my makeup and hair looked decent, Rhys was rushing me out the door. He was dressed casually as well, his hair pushed up in a messy quiff.

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