chapter four

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"Can you get your mind off of Andy in his boxers and focus?" Britt snapped.

"Andy wears briefs," I corrected, rolling my eyes and picking up another book from the pile.

Britt and I were supposed to be working on a research project for school. However, after three hours of reading about Ancient Greece, we were both ready to call it quits. The table we'd claimed was a mess of books and note cards all sprawled across its surface.

After a minute of staring blankly at the words on the page,  I sighed. "I can't do this anymore. My brain is going to explode. Fuck Julius Caesar."

"Caesar was Roman," Britt groaned. "Ugh, we're going to fail."

"No, we're not. We still have two days to learn this and come up with something for our presentation."

"Yeah, and you'll probably spend both days with Andy and I'll do the whole project," Britt muttered.

"You had a date with Link yesterday while I was working on our powerpoint. Don't act like I've done nothing. We're both in relationships; don't act like yours is somehow better."

Britt rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, you're not in a relationship. Are you forgetting Andy is 30 and has a girlfriend?"

"For the hundredth time, he's 29!" I exclaimed in exasperation, earning a glare from the librarian walking past us.

"Whatever," Britt sighed, closing her book and placing it one of the stacks.

"I have to go," I stated. "We can meet up tomorrow and keep working on this project."

"Seriously? I bet you're going to see Andy now, aren't you?" Britt questioned in a harsh tone.

"Actually, I was going to go start my Christmas shopping early... unless you don't want a present," I lied.

"Oh," Britt mumbled, her eyes widening and a soft smile replacing her frown. "Well, never mind then. See you later. Don't forget, I'm a size small and an 8 in shoes."

I nodded, calling out goodbye as I walked away and out of the library. Outside, the sun shined and the air was comfortably warm though it was early December, one of the perks of living in California. 

As I got in my car, I thought about my conversation with Britt. I couldn't believe I'd just lied to her. Andy and my mom were understandable, but Britt and I never lied to each other. I felt like half of what came out of my mouth lately was just one big lie. It was so easy, too. I didn't even have to think twice before a lie was stumbling out of my mouth.

But Britt had provoked me. Last week, Britt had been all for Andy and I's relationship, or whatever you wanted to call it. However, she seemed to have changed her mind. There were all these light comments that came out like just a teasing remark but truly held a lot more bite. I knew what I had with Andy wasn't ideal. He was too old for me, too involved with someone else, too out of my league. However, I was falling for him fast and I couldn't help it. Britt should have understood that, instead of attacking me. 

I figured maybe she was just jealous that Andy had been consuming a lot of my time lately. Since visiting his apartment a week ago, he and I had been meeting up a lot more. I'd gone over to his place three times since then, spending the moments laughing with him or drowning in a lustful haze. Sometimes, Andy was incredibly guarded, every word being chosen with care and precision. However, other times, it felt like he was so open, revealing the dimmest corners of himself to me. When we weren't lost in conversation, Andy and I were making out or having sex. Physical acts were a huge part of our relationship so far. We'd had sex on his couch, his bed, and the kitchen counter. 

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