Wood Flooring

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12-8-17 kys

        Click, click, click, as Sophia's fingers bugged across the keyboard, she hears a floorboard crack and shrieks, "who's there!" No one answers hears her frantic cry.  She peers down the empty hall, a light flickering in the distance, casting shadows of antique vases across the floor as the rain pounds down the tall molded window frames.

"It's probably just some branches outside, falling from the wind."  She tries her best to reassure herself, but is stopped in her tracks when she turns to see that her laptop has moved from her bed to her desk.  She creeps toward her desk, to find that the screen has gone fuzzy and a few keys are missing, " T...Y...uh I think A?  And, S?  T.Y.A.S?  Maybe they just fell out or--"  Before she could finish her thought WHAM! Her bedroom door slammed shut behind her, with a click sound following it.  Sophia pounced on her door to try and pry it open, but to no avail, it wouldn't budge. As she looked around for something to open the door with, a strange ruby gas came seeping in through the bottom of the door rising like steam in a sauna.  The intoxicating gas mixed with the air causing Sophia's lungs to begin to collapse.  "P-poison!" the next moment her vision went blank, the last thing her ears picked up being the muffled cries of her little brothers in the next room over. 

After springing off of her bed, Sophia springs to her feet to violently tear the door open and sprint down the hall to her brother Stanley's room.  The morning light shining through the window, hitting her skin, warming her cold sweat from the night before.  "Stan! Stan, are you there?!"  As she practically tore down her brother's door, her face instantly pales as she comes face to face with her brother hanging from the chandelier, eyes blacked out, chanting in a foreign language. 

"I-it's me, h-how'd you get up there bud?"  She starts to make small talk as she backs out of his room.  Suddenly his head creaks toward her, and his chants become louder.  She can clearly hear him now, screaming 'STAY, STAY, STAY!' She sprints door the corridor praying that if she jumps through a couple of doors, he won't be able to catch her.  The last door she pulls open and hops into is the small shoe closet next to the front door. 

"Why didn't i ju--"  Pidder padder, the echoing of a toddlers VANS pullups sound across the floor.  But when Sophia looked toward the sounds there was no one there.  Assuming her possessed brother had turned down another hall, she creaked the door open to get her mother and run, only to be met with the black smoke again.  But this time from behind her.  Before she could swing the door open a grip tightened around her ankles tripping her face first into the hardwood flooring.  She screamed and cried for her mother and brother to help her, but was drowned out by their laughing and jeering.  Her fingernails scraped the gloss off of the floor, as she grabbed anything, and everything to get away, flinging shoes at the smoke, and ripping coats from their hangers.  Alas, all was a waste, for she dissipated into nothing leaving her own message carved into the floor that failed to save her, reading 'run.'

The smoke was robert m-------s.


yeah i took out last names, get your life together

Lmao this was my little sisters assignment that she paid me like $20 to write for her...

She was in 7th grade at the time😂😂

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