the prettiest boy (f)

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eddie kaspbrak, for all he brags about being able to do first aid, didn't do a very good job of covering up richie's black eye and broken nose from where he'd accidentally punched him, and richie's still glaring at him from where he's sitting on eddie's bed, hands gripping at his knees, in his one hand eddie's hand held mirror, and he's white knuckling it so hard eddie's scared he might have to make up an excuse as to why his hand held mirror is broken. he's taken richie's glasses off and put it on his bedside table, his personal first aid kit, hydrogen peroxide, some iodine, and band aids scattered on his bed.

at this point, he uses the first aid kit more on richie than on himself.

he'd been arguing about how eddie's punch fucked up his face, of course, his beautiful face, he cried, and eddie would normally be up at arms and ready to fight richie about it, but right now, he's focusing more on resetting richie's nose back to where it belongs, because if mrs. tozier catches richie with his glasses scratched and his nose broken, that'll sure put him in a world of pain and being grounded.

"i can't do anything about the bruising," eddie murmurs, and richie glares at him even more, lifting the mirror up to look at the bruising, which is actually pretty bad, and if eddie didn't hurt richie in the process of punching him, he'd be proud.

he puts down the mirror angrily and squints at his boyfriend, "were you trying to kill me, or something? i know you want my life insurance, kaspbrak, don't even bother denying it—"

"oh, yes. i'm only in this relationship for the money and dates to mickey d's," eddie settles himself between the v of richie's legs, "now, stop moving. i'm snapping your nose back." he puts his hands on richie's left cheek, his thumbs on the left side of richie's nose.

he's trying really hard not to smile. richie stops white knuckling in favour of placing his hand on eddie's hip, closing one eye and the other looking at anywhere but eddie.

richie huffs, "this better not fucking hurt, kaspbrak, or i'll—"

crack! eddie grins smugly as he pulls his hand away from richie's shell-shocked face, the nose now less crooked than it had been before. the dark-eyed boy looks at eddie with wide eyes, blinking rapidly to indicate that he's in pain. eddie raises his eyebrows— if he screams, eddie's mother is going to charge in here and find richie sitting in her son's bed and throw him out without so much as a warning.

richie whines, "fuck,"

eddie shrugs, "this isn't our first rodeo, richie. does it really hurt? do you want me to get an ice pack?"

the other boy glares some more, "you're such a vindictive bitch."

richie brings the mirror back up to stare at his now... less crooked nose, the bruise still pretty fucking obvious on his pale skin, "oh, thank you, darling! it's beautiful!" richie says snippily, and eddie rolls his eyes, tucking back his hair behind his ear before stepping away from richie and wincing at the motley bruise on half his face, his dark eyes livid.

eddie smiles, and richie glares as eddie twists his hands together, eyes turning soft with guilt, "i am sorry, richie,"

"yeah," richie sneers, "i mean you totally didn't mean to punch me—"

"you climbed up my window! it's midnight! i got scared! god forbid if you were an actual burglar!" he slaps his hands over his mouth after his outburst, looking at his door and waiting with bated breath for the door to just burst open with his mother's red face behind it. richie stops moving, too, sitting straighter as if he's going to personally fight eddie's mother if she suddenly surges into eddie's room.

after a minute, richie sighs and relaxes back on eddie's bed, "are you going to let me finish?" eddie bites his lips at that, and richie frowns, moving to pinch the bridge of his nose but suddenly remembering that his nose is broken, so he just sighs really loudly, "anyways. i'm sorry i climbed up your window in the middle of the night. i should have called."

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