not that big (f)

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"richie, i'm telling you, i don't have a oversized, orange shirt!" eddie yelled at the boy with dark curls, and richie only laughed.

"eddie, i know i saw a large orange shirt in your closet, you definitely have one! it's orange with white stripes —,"

eddie balled up his fists, as if they would stop the anger from reaching his hands, and continued walking around the track. "it's size small! i swear!"

eddie hated physical education class, but somehow richie seemed to enjoy it, being able to bring out all his energy in this class.

richie and eddie began approaching the group, both bickering about eddie having a large shirt in his closet, richie thinking eddie had fucking a guy in his room, and left his shirt there.

"richie, i'm telling you —," eddie started, stopping by the entire class who were speaking to each other.

"you can come over tonight and see it, but i'm telling you, it's really really small! not big at all!" eddie yelled too loudly, and everyone in the large group turned around in a shocked fashion.

"well shit." richie whispered in the winter air, before he bursted out laughing, everyone around them watching the two, disgusted.

"no, no, no! that's not what i meant —,"

richie placed his hand over eddie's mouth, shutting him up, before whispering. "sh, let's keep them thinking."

then he grabbed eddie's hand and began walking from the track, eddie trailing behind him angrily.

this happened to me and my friend today except it wasn't about size.
and we obviously aren't dating.

for those of you that don't have dirty minds like me, everyone thought eddie was talking about his dick.

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