momma approves (f)

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"bev, i'm scared. what if a mom joke accidentally slips out?" richie exasperated through the phone, shivering from the cold air, standing outside of the kaspbrak household, questioning his every move and thought.

"don't be scared, eddie wouldn't have said yes if he didn't want to go out with you! plus, first dates are fun." bev reassured him, and richie let in and out a long breath.

"i'm going in."

"don't make it weird." bev answered, and richie could practically see her rolling her eyes through the phone.

richie locked the phone, placing it in his back pocket, and fixed his slick backed hair and flattened his plain gray shirt, after all, it was a causal date, although, he did wear nice pants.

he reached for the door, knocking on it, knowing sonia kaspbrak didn't have a doorbell because it could wake up eddie when he was sleeping peacefully. richie laughed at the thought, and knocked a few more times before placing his hands in his pocket nervously.

mrs. kaspbrak opened the door, and richie gulped, hoping eddie would have, but he knew if he was taking eddie out, mrs. kaspbrak would have to see him first to approve.

eddie stood behind her, blushing slightly as he looked at richie, his hands in his pants as well, and richie noticed he didn't bring his fanny pack, and he could tell his pills and inhaler was shoved into his pockets.

"and who are you?" sonia asked richie, even though sonia clearly knew the boy, since eddie and richie had been friends nearly forever.

"richie tozier ma'am. i'd like to take eddie here for dinner." richie said, a burst of confidence hidden in him, and he blushed, seeing eddie's curls coming out of his hair.

"i see... what are you driving in?" she asked, but richie was smarter and more prepared than she thought.

"my truck. i've had my license for a while now, my dad says i'm a natural at it, i have a full tank, and i will be very careful on the road. plus, the diner is only a few blocks down." richie finished, and sonia raised his eyebrows at the boy.

eddie giggled behind her, and she glared at him, him immediately stopping, before she turned to richie again.

"i want him back at eight o'clock sharp. if it's 8:01, you are never taking him out again. and make sure he takes his pills. if you break his heart, i will personally kill you." she snarled, moving slightly from the door so eddie could walk by.

eddie did, walking towards richie, and he linked hands with the boy with too much confidence, or so he thought. he laughed at something richie had said before richie opened the truck door for eddie, and eddie climbed in, richie closing the door and walking around, hopping in the truck as well.

mrs. kaspbrak watched as the two boys left, and immediately regretted letting eddie go, but it was too late, now all she could do now was hope for the best.

"yeah, bev. ok, got to go, about to head to dinner with eds." richie gushed, waiting for a reply, then answering with a goodbye before hanging up the phone and placing it in his back pocket.

he played with the curls in his hair as he knocked on the kaspbrak door, hands in his pocket, not out of nervousness, just because it was cold tonight.

eddie and richie has been dating for three months now, and it was a normal thing to have a date saturday night, unless one of them had important plans.

the door swung open to reveal sonia kaspbrak, smiling down at the boy, eddie running by her and kissing richie on the lips.

"bye momma." eddie said to the woman standing by the door, one hand on her hip, the other places firmly against the door.

"bye honey. and richie, keep him safe." she exasperated, walking back inside, and richie opened the door of the truck for eddie, who hopped inside. richie climbed in his side, and they drove away from the kaspbrak house, sonia continuing to watch television, not worrying to much about the two boys.

this was a lot much details before but wattpad deleted it so i had to rewrite it thanks for 3k reads <3

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