christmas miracle (f)

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richie tozier was never a fan of christmas. his parents never celebrated the holiday with him, it wasn't a religious thing, but richie just never got to understand the joy of christmas with his folks. this would be his sixteenth christmas, and it would be the first christmas with his boyfriend, who was particularly fond of the holidays.

eddie kaspbrak did as much as he could for the holidays, and it all started with the perfect christmas tree. his mother hated him going out to pick it up in the winter, terrified half to death that he would get hurt, with eddie only rolled his eyes when she told him this, and reassured her everything would be fine.

things were different this year though, only for the better. because this year eddie had none other than his loving and overall goofy boyfriend, richie tozier. richie texted eddie not long before parking his crumby truck, in eddie's opinion to say the least, in front of eddie's house, and waited for the fifteen year old to make his way out of his house, and into his truck.

richie smiled, as well as eddie, as eddie opened the truck door and hopped in, giving richie a gentle kiss on the cheek. richie laughed, and looked over eddie's shoulder to see his mother, sonia, watching over them. richie glanced back towards eddie, who had followed his gaze.

"your mom-," richie started, but was cut off.

"don't you dare make a sexual mum joke, bubba." eddie whined, pointing towards the road as if to say, get driving.

richie shook his head, not bothering to hide his blush, with happened almost every time eddie used that nickname on him. "whatever makes you happy eds. i know what makes me happy, waking up next to-,"

"god rich!" eddie rolled his eyes, kicking his feet on the dashboard of the truck, only causing richie to shake his head once again.

"i was gonna say you." richie finished, making eddie's face flush with embarrassment.

"oh." eddie replied, and richie didn't bother saying more, letting the music continue the conversation for them, tuning into bowie, on the radio he had installed into the truck, which he had been handed down from his grandpa would was incapable to drive any longer.

eddie tapped his feet along with the beat on the dashboard and humming to the song, and richie noticed this, smiling at him from the drivers seat. fortunately for eddie, and frankly everyone who sat in richie car with him driving, richie was a decent driver, except for when he hit a trash can on the side of the road, but he quickly drove away, eddie freaking out in the passenger seat over nothing, as richie had explained it to the rest of the losers.

richie parked the car outside of the christmas tree lot, smelling the cold air, filled with the scent of pine needles. eddie smiled as well, treasuring the moments they had together, like they were the last.

richie jumped out of the car, followed by eddie close behind, who easily caught up to him and reached for his head. sure, they were easily four inches in height difference, but it didn't seem to matter to the two of them as they entered the lot.

"which one do you want? lets get this huge one!" richie exclaimed, slurring over the word, huge. eddie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, staring at the gigantic tree richie was pointing at, easily the biggest of them all.

"um, no. one, that wouldn't fit in the room. two, it has to be the perfect tree. three, IT HAS TO BE THE PERFECT TREE." eddie answered angrily, and richie only laughed, loving when eddie got mad over the small things in life.

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