and i miss u (f)

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"Stan, please. Please, please, please!" Richie begged, shaking his shoulders and frowning.

"Fuck off." Stan shrugged, getting Richie off him. "I'm not helping you."

Bill sighed next to the boys, looking them over, deciding whether to intervene. "We'll do it." Bill groaned, pulling Stan towards him and away from Richie. "Only for Eddie's sake, since you asshat had to go and break his heart."

"We will?" Stan answered, and Bill nodded numbly, raising his eyebrows at the Jewish boy, as if to say, 'just for Eddie'. Stan looked at Richie and scolded. "We will." He said to Richie, and Richie immediately attacked them with hugs and kisses.

"You will not regret this!" Richie called to the shy boys as Stan grabbed Bill's hand and let his boyfriend out of the school.

Richie smiled at them, before running to grab his bike, wishing Eddie's bike was next to his. He knew he'd messed up.

"Richie, I don't care what anyone thinks, I... I just want to be with you." Eddie let out, trying not to burst out in tears then and there.

The sky was particularly foggy that night, the clouds covering any trace of the moon, similar to how Richie felt in the moment, judgement from others covering up what he actually felt for the boy who he had always loved.

Richie could see the sky clearly from Eddie's bedroom window that night, and he looked back at Eddie, deciding what to say.

"I..." Richie wanted to tell him he loved him, he wanted to push him against his bedroom wall and cup his face in his hands and smash his lips onto his. But he didn't.

He could see a figure at the door of his room, Eddie's mother, standing behind Eddie in disgust. Richie gulped.

"Eds, that's disgusting. I'm not gay. Ew, you're so gay!" Richie said, pretending to gag, stepping away from Eddie, towards the door a bit. He froze when he saw Eddie's eyes well up, and felt his heart shatter into pieces when Eddie let out a small sob, holding his hands on his face.

"Go away..." Eddie let out, and Richie still stood on the opposite side of the room, by the door, watching the boy.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Eddie screamed, throwing a comic at Richie, which was conveniently sitting on the bed next to him. Richie flinched when hearing Eddie scream, and ran for the door, scared for his life, not to be too dramatic.

"AND DO NOT CALL ME EDS!" He heard from Eddie room, but he couldn't hear more, not Eddie's mom attempting to run to Eddie's room, he couldn't hear Eddie sobbing, sliding towards the floor in his room, only the sound of his breaths picking up as he ran home, letting out a sob as well, wishing for once he could tell people how he really felt.

"Good, you're here." Richie said to the boys as they approached Eddie's backyard, Stan rolling his eyes at Richie when he looked down to see a speaker and three microphones.

"What is this?" Bill asked, grabbing one of the microphones, handing it to Stan, then another for himself.

"I'm not singing." Stan said, dropping the microphone on the ground. He looked at Bill's disappointed expression. "I'm not singing a solo I mean." He coughed, picking it back up, Bill smiling at him.

"Follow my lead boys. And let me just say, I'm glad Eds mom isn't home."

Stan's eyebrows raised, as well as Bill's as Richie turned on the loud speaker, turning on the last song they were expecting to hear.

Richie hit the microphone as the beat started, coughing a few times before starting. He could already see Eddie's light turning on.

"Making my way downtown! Walking fast, Eddie passes and I slow down!" Richie sang, almost screaming into the microphone, which was refusing to work.

Eddie opened up his window angrily, rolling his eyes at the boy with the microphone.

"DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN!" Stan and Bill sang in perfect harmony as Richie pointed to them, the two boys exploding in laughter and embarrassment.

"And I need you!' Richie said, looking up at Eddie in the window and pointing to him, tapping his foot on the ground with the beat, into the song more than the actual singer. Eddie sniffled, smiling a bit as he watched it all go on, his window not too high above the ground.

"DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN!" Stan and Bill sang again, before giggling amongst themselves again.

"And I miss you!" Richie continued, pointing at Eddie once again, who's face had turned into a tomato, moving his head back and forth with the music.

"You can stop now." Eddie finally let out, and Richie obeyed, turning off the music. Eddie slammed his window shut, disappearing into his room once again. Richie sighed, looking at the two boys, awkwardly holding their microphone's in their hands.

"You tried." Bill shrugged, but his eyebrows raised as he looked behind Richie, and Richie noticed this, twisting his head around to see Eddie running towards him, slippers on his feet, and PJ's still on.

Eddie exploded onto Richie, smashing his lips onto Richie, almost knocking Richie over. Richie melted into the kiss, something he had heard from Bill that you seemed to do when you kissed the one you loved.

Eddie finally let Richie breathe, standing back on the ground, face right red, looking at Stan and Bill's astonished faces. "What?" He asked them, giggling a bit at Richie.

"I just... he's so... ew. How can you even stand him?" Stan asked, making a disgusted face towards Richie. Richie rolled his eyes at the Jewish boy, looking back at Eddie as Bill nudged Stan in the ribs.

"I'm so sorry, Eds. Can you forgive me?" Richie asked, hands on Eddie's waist.

"Don't fucking call me Eds." He snarled in return. "But yes." He added in his cute voice, landing yet another kiss on Richie's cheek.

Richie turned to Stan. "Told ya it would work."

Eddie huffed. "Don't push it Tozier."

a u t h o r s . n o t e
credits to some pinterest post. honestly i love this one and find it funny but idk what do u guys think

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