The song you sing together

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Micheal would brightly smile at you, assuring you this performance will be alright. You and Micheal had this hate and love relationship, your the YouTuber that every fan ship you and Micheal and really to be fair you don't know what kind of feeling you are having toward Micheal. He is dark, rebellious , fucking born with good looks, mysterious and I know he has been hurt before. Being with him in the studio picking a song, was the pressure you and him has been held inside.

Now your on stage, and it's currently 10 at night. The lights dim upon you and Micheal and it was your cue to start singing the song you agreed on very very last minute, a song that defines Micheals past, and how I feel.

You started with the first verse:

I see your monsters, I see your pain.
Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away.
I'll be your lighthouse. I'll make it okay.
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, and chase them all away.
As he smiles at you, for a moment it felt like it was just you and him on the stage. He started singing:

 A cup of coffee still steaming, staring back at me and it's blacker than the night, eh.
I'm awake but still sleeping, I keep telling myself I'll be alright (I won't).
And I know it can't get worse than today, sitting here and she's trying to rehearse what to say.
See, she's in the bathroom and hoping I'm not in earshot, while she's getting used to the sound of her teardrops.
Splash, it hits the towel and I know it's been awhile since you've seen me smile and laugh, like I used to.
I've been in denial since it happened, just take me to the past, cause I just can't imagine losing you, too.
I can't explain this so I keep it all inside, wear my pain but it's masked by my pride.
She came to hold me and she cried, told me this and she stared into my eyes and said...
You then chimed in with your verse agian:
I see your monsters, I see your pain.
Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away.

I'll be your lighthouse. I'll make it okay.
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, and chase them all away.

The screaming girls in the venue all cheered and Micheal bowed, and I looked at his smile. That's when It hit me, the blinking cameras all flicked the sign with a heart with my name and his, thats when you fucking realize you really did love Micheal.

A/n Yes It's a Friday... going to work soon which kind of sucks uhem I was listening to this amamzing song! Monsters by Timeflies and it hit me how this may link to Micheal feelings when he was hurt, and I thought woah ! But look at him now he's stronger than ever! I admire that really I do. I will do all member soon!!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed this bye, I have like a minute till be Internet connection shuts byeeee  

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