You falling asleep

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Luke will be always energetic when it if Friday night, the day for our weekly movie night. A person like you would forget this, as you came home at 10.30 slamming the door to find Luke on the couch. It hit you when you forgot, Luke being the kind boyfriend forgave you, this only ment he can punish you while watching the scary movie. You snuggled up on his warm broad chest, and once it got to the scary part, your eyelids began to drop heavy. You sigh with the sense of tiredness, Luke sense this and gently stoke your hair “Sorry Luke, I honestly…”  “Shh y/n, it’s alright go back to sleep” He kissed you on the forehead. He closed the the tv, lift your body to the shared bedroom, gently laded your body on the bed. 

Ashton knew you are an work ethic, waking up from 5 coming home to 9. He wants to treat you well, as every morning you two would never got time to sit alone just him and you.  You would disagree that your are work ethic, the smell of coffee fled up to your noise. There on the table holds two streaming hot coffee. “Ash you couldn’t” You and him spent the whole night talking about everything, and random nothings.  When the clock hit 3 in the morning you had to piggy back him to your shared couch and feel asleep.

Calum could be fucking annoying when all you want to do is sleep, he would do anything to be active.  The rain tips fell upon the roof, and you couldn’t help but to not sleep, Cal keeps fiddling under the dvets on the bed. “Cal please I need sleep” “No y/n it’s raining lets dance in the rain!!!” He wined.
He slugs you body on his shoulders and rain, getting you both soaked “Fuck! Calum Hood this is cold” “Baby don’t hahaha” He laughed “I hate this!” “I love you too” You then fell asleep on his shoulders later on the night.

Micheal would sense you being exhausted, he would lift you up without a word put you into the bathtub and strip your clothes down. He would run the water and you would talk about how your life is unfair, in terms of work. He would listen carefully then laugh, you then became silent and watch Micheal hair, smile, laugh the guy you feel in love “But you know, your one thing of my life that is not unfair” As you briskly feel asleep in the bathtub.

A/n Yes as you imagine, I am having more sleep than I should (thanks holidays)
Are you guys having holidays? How's it treating ya :) Thanks for reading

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