You're first date. (T)

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Calum : He tells you to wear comfortable clothes, so it would be jeans and a hoodie, the irritation is that he wont tell you  where the date was going to be. You wouldn’t mind as the door rings as you see Calum, you greeted each other as you went to the bus stop. You get on the bus together, talking about how your week has been, as you finally arrive it was an indoor Go-Karting place. You’ve never been Go-Karting before, so you are quite nervous but excited at the same thought. You get suited up, and then listen to the safety briefing. Calum can see that you were quite nervous by your lip biting, therefore he takes your hand and squeezes it to ensure everything will go alright. You then realize and got the hang out the whole process of the ride, and manage to keep up with Calum for most of the race. On the last lap, he ‘accidentally’ crashes into the wall, letting you speed past him, and therefore win the race. You get out of your Kart, and your helmet off, cheering. He grins, leaning forward and your heart start to thump rapidly. You can feel his hot breath, and you’re really close now, when sneakily he gives you a peak on the cheek. You grab his hands and walk over to the restaurant next door, where you share a bowl of hot chips. At the end of the evening he waits and say that he can’t wait for the next date, as he pressed his lips on the crown of your forehead.  

Luke: He would text you bright and early to make sure you’re wide awake for the first date, and of course your more than wide awake since it’s your first date with him. You’re going to the beach together to watch the sunrise and go for a swim.You sit together to watch the sand watching the sun rise over the water.It was like a perfect picture, as you said “Wow, this is incredibly beautiful” and he looks into your eyes and grins, “It is beautiful, just like me!” You slap him playfully, as he chuckles “Not as beautiful as you babe!” he finally replies. You looked away, he’s trying to not be chessy but it’s a cute impression of him. All of the sudden, Luke jumps up pulling his shirt off and starts running towards the water yelling “I bet I’ll beat you getting to the water” You chase after him, throwing off your summer dress as you went… he wait for you by the edge of where the surf was breaking, and you look up at him and down dam his body! His hours spent in the gym paid off when he lifts your body and runs toward the water. You dived underwater as you felt Luke’s lips brush against your cheek, and as you come up for air he gives you another hug and tells you this is the best moment he ever had.

Ashton: You hear a horn beep outside your house and your heart quickly beats rapidly. Ashton is the most gorgeous guy you have ever seen, and all you can do is pray that you wont screw up your chance with him. You jump into his car and he turns up the music and you sing along to the song ‘Angel With A S hoot Gun by The Cab’ as you arrive to one of your favorite place, the zoo. You walked up to reception, Ashton’s arm slung around your shoulders. You can’t stop smiling like an idiot, you’re still in disbelief that you are on the date with the Ashton Irwin. He takes your hand and leads you to the staff only door, and tells you not to worry, he’s got it all sorted. You arrive in a room with a chair in the corner, so you sit on his knee. A has arranged for you guys to take photots and hold it You are nervous to hold it at first, but Ashton stands behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, whispering encouraging words in your ear. You hold the baby koala in your arms, feeling safe as you have Ashton with you. The zookeeper takes your camera and Ashton rests his head on your should and smiles. That dimple! He then takes you out for a private picnic lunch in one of the function rooms, decorated so your feel like you’re in a jungle.You walked back to your car so he can take you home, but all the way he keeps his hand locked with yours. As you flop down on your bed, still grinning from ear to ear, you receive a text from him, “Had the best day with you, here’s to many more to come ;) x”

Michael: You get into the passenger seat of his car and he smiles at you and starts driving. You both sit there in silence for a few minutes, so you lean forward and turn the music up. You hear your favorite band now lasting through the speakers and Michael’s head starts bobbing along in time with the music. The Chorus comes and you both sand the lyrics “See I’m not the little boy you use see I’m all grown up now baby can’t you see, Stacy mum has got it going on she’s up all night and I’v BEEN WAITING ALL LONG”. By the end of the chorus you’re both laughing and talked about the meaning of the song. Considering it’s dark outside, he grins and turn to the drive through to McDonlads and order some food. You laugh, as of course , you came all this was just to go to a particular McDonalds. He continues driving before eating at the park at the top of the hill in no where. It had an amazing view of the ocean. You sit talking non stop and eating your food and it turns out your having a great time/ He turns to you and says, “I wanted to show you that we can do something that’s not all that exciting, but still have the best time. It’s not about where you are, it’s about the person you’re with: You blush and push him away, laughing. When he drops you back home, you agree that you’ll meet  at the same time next day and do something else completely random. As you walk up to your front door, he toots the horn and does the wolf whistles at you, so you laugh and pull the finger. You’re surprised that with a date that is that simple, you still had an amazing time. 

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