5SOS Preferences/imagines

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It all started when I heard their songs, literally I personaly think they are all attarctive people (you may agree with me on this). I thought they were prenteding to be like 1D and I lost interest in 1D, but the more YouTube clips of 5sos music I relise they are different.

Then my hunger grew, I literally have to say one of the memebers name at least a day. I went on Tumblr and I found these post's that made me feel the 'feels' and my freind was like 'You're crazy" so I was like "I should stop dreaming and make a record of preferences...." So yeah!

All rights from Tumblr goes towards them "Thank you" And I hope you all like my little dreams so "Thank you"

5SOS Preferences/imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now