Your Stressed

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Ashton would sense your stress when you had not eaten anything at dinner one night. He knew its not your monthly, so he figured you need you space. Your shoukder were hunched over your study desk, reading over course materials. You were so caught up into thinking your courses for uni was not related to what you want (imma put what I am doing idk what you guys a studying). You wanted to be a teacher, with a subject in the art section. You have gotten a call from your parents saying how they are proud of you, doing teaching. No kidding you loved kids, but the pressure was rising. They didn't unnderstand that you are working the subject not going into straight teaching. You felt in the pit that they will be shocked. The dream you had when they said 'you lied to me' no I didn't you didn't ubderstand my dream self replied. You were now in a confused state. You were doing a core subject that you liked, will your parents understand. No you thought. You didn't reliase that Ashton entered your glomy dark study room. His intoxicating scent made you relax a little , as his cold nose nuzzeld in between you neck. His breathing and your in regualr breathing became in the same pace.
"Y/n you have been here all night" he said. He was right since 6am to 9pm.
"Baby your hair is in a mess which means your a mess. Tell me what wrong. Its hurting me to see you dealing with a problem, and you have not eaten" you face him now. You nose touch the tip of his. His eyes locking gaze, you know Ashton is stressed. He also has been in the route of writting songs. His puffy lips, he has been bitting. His dark circles interwin. I felt a pit of selfish, I was tok caught up in my own stress to not even reliase his. My own partner, Ashton.

I then felt the urge of blowing up, a heavy weight and hot steam water rised in my eyes. So I balwed my eyes on his shoulder, for a minute. I told him my stress. And he said the words I needed to hear.

"Babe I know how your confused and angry. Your parents are just doing what they do. Why don't you just tell them, you will eventualy tell them one day or another. Sure they will flip, but at least they understand. And your not a lair. You would be the best teacher I would totaly love you be taught by you" His dirty mind laced at the last sentence. You slapped his shoulder. Hard (like his little memeber) which caused a groan.

You two ended up laughing and throwing pop corn at each other. Rather than foucusing on the moive.

Yay another quite long image from me. I only thought that this image would fit Ashton, soz. Idk but Ashton seems tl be happy and very caring if he had a girl to be his. He would also be a bit dirty and thats why, I chose him to be the main.
As you can tell I am stressed about my courses at Uni. I had not slept in early in the holidays. And my parents are like 'you shld b studying youl' so I am quite mad at them. ITS DA HOLIDAYS School work has not even started, what am I suppose to study.

All these holidays I have the abiality to read a lot, and write in my jorunal. Basicaly I wake up till lunch and half of my day is gone, stay up worrying about shit till morning.

Idk why I am telling you guys this. Imma bit stressed and wished to have Ashton or a super hot guy tell me this. To like confort me. My mates thought I write books like these. In like a smut.

No I won't write smut.

anywho idc that this contains grammar mistakes. My internet on my laptop shut down. So imma guessing these holiday write ups are al gonna be frm my phone.

Thanks for the read yeah.

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