When he's upset. (T)

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Michael, It’s hard to get him to talk about it at first, he prefers just forgetting but you won’t let that happen. You pick up some brownies, popcorn and ice-cream from the store and go cuddle with him and watch some movies. You don’t press him for information, then when he’s ready to talk, he’ll pause the movie and vent to you about whatever it is.

 Calum likes to be alone when he’s upset because he feels like crying in front of you makes him weak. You always tell him it’s okay to come to you when he’s upset but instead he goes into a bubble and hardly lets anyone in. The boys text you when he’s upset and you text him saying you love him no matter what. After a couple of hours, or maybe the next day you go see him to make sure he’s ok.

Luke’s quiet at first, he switches his phone off, lies in bed, doesn’t watch TV or listen to music. He’s just lifeless like he’s screaming inside. You go and cuddle with him in bed, playing with his hair although you don’t push him for any answers. You’re both just silent and after a while he’ll cuddle back and then talk to you about it.

 Ashton tries his best to hide when he’s upset but he’s awful at it. The first thing you notice is that he listens to music all day and stays in the bedroom, maybe have a nap as well. When he’s awake you make him a drink giving you an excuse to go in. You’ll straddle his waist and pull his headphones off before resting your forehead against his with your hands in his hair. The only words you say are ‘You’re not fooling anyone.’ And he’ll just play with the hem of your shirt and look into your eyes for a few minutes before sighing and telling you what’s up. 

I really like this one haha, I'm just crying since it's not actually happening...

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