He is your ex, and you run into him (T)

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It had been almost 8 months since you last saw Luke and you were doing good. You were talking to a new guy his name was Jared. He’s fit, and funny and very polite and sweet. You had a thing for him, but there was always that one spot in your heart that you knew belonged to Luke. You had to go to the farmers market, to pick up a few things for your mom’s famous apple pie for dinner that night. And you wanted everything to be perfect since it was the first time Jared was meeting your parents. As you picked up the red apples, you looked at them and put them in the basket, making sure to only pick the very best ones. You reached for the last apple you needed not to mention the prettiest of all the apples, until someone snatched it from your hand and tossed it in the air and caught it and took a big bite out of it. Your mouth dropped and looked up and sighed. You took in the appearance of the stranger, blonde hair, tall quiff, bright blue eyes, black shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. You huffed “Luke”. He smirked “Hey Y/n” He said casually, like nothing had changed between you and him. “Why did you do that?” You asked clearly annoyed, “Because I knew you wanted it and I like to make things difficult for you” He said stepping closer to you. 

You rolled your eyes and looked at him “Yeah, I clearly remembered how difficult you made things for me” You spat back clearly annoyed. “You know y/n you should be nicer to me” He said softly as his facial expressions softened. “Because you know how sorry I am” He whispered. You gulped feeling all your previous feelings wash over you like a damn tsnuami. “Luke, I can’t..” You whispered looking into his eyes. You sighed watching him fumble with his lip ring, God you missed kissing that boy. “Why? We can go back to how things used to be.” He whispered putting his hand on you’re hip. “Lu—” You were cut off as someone yelled your name. “Y/N!” You turned around to see Jared jogging up to you, you shook your head. Great Timing you thought. You turned to see Luke stepping back hurt and obviously embarrassed. “I’m sorry Luke” You whispered softly and walked up to Jared and left leaving Luke heartbroken once more. 


"We should go out tonight," Your best friend suggested sweetly. You did nothing but groan in response. "I think it would be good for you. You need to start getting out more." Since Ashton had broke it off with you, you had been through 7 months of hell. Nearly the entire period of the break up, you had felt desolate and in pain. You couldn’t eat, sleep, or function. You had been a hollow, empty shell of a person. Only recently had you gained the ability to function properly, but you still were far from over the whole thing. You thought he was the one, but he did not. He had broken up with you because he had fallen for someone else. He didn’t tell you that right away, but shortly after you broke up, he started dating Gemma who was on tour with them. It was obvious what had happened. You weren’t bitter anymore, but it still hurt you to think about it. 

After much begging, your friend successfully dragged you out of the house for a night on the town. It wasn’t exactly your idea of a fun time. Seeing all the happy couples and such made you a bit sick even then. Your friend ended up taking you to this new hip club she had heard about. She was convinced that tonight would be life-changing for you, but you weren’t too optimistic about that. She found two guys for you two to dance with and after a while things got a little better. Dancing was nice and the few alcoholic beverages you had probably were the source of it. The guy you were dancing with wasn’t half bad looking either and a very good dancer, but then he ended up leaving and you ended up sitting at the bar. “I’ll have two pints please,” A familiar voice said from a few feet away. You knew exactly who it was before looking. Ashton. The man who had singlehandedly ripped out your heart. You wanted to slip away before he noticed. You placed some money on the counter, enough to cover your tab plus tip and then headed towards the only safe haven you could think of..the ladies’ room. You had almost made it when someone grabbed your shoulder to stop you. You whipped around to see Ashton. “What do you want?” You barked. You already felt all the pain that you had almost successfully blocked out come flooding back in. “That’s a lovely way to greet someone,” He replied jokingly. You shook your head and walked away. He followed and said, “I know. I’m an asshole. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I really am.” “I forgive you. Just leave me alone.” You said right before entering the girls’ bathroom. It was surprisingly empty, only a few girls in the stalls and one at the mirror. You went to the sink to splash water on your face when you heard the door open. The other girl at the sink looked over and gasped. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I want to try to earn it. I miss you. I made a mistake. No one compares to you. I love you…I just didn’t know how to tell you. I’ve been wanting to call you for so long,” He said approaching you. The other girl at the sink ran out of the bathroom, probably to tell security. “Ashton! Get out of here! This is the girls’ bathroom.” “Not until you acknowledge what I just told you,” He insisted, grabbing hold of you so you couldn’t run away to escape. “Let go.” “Just talk to me!” He pleaded. “Ashton, I’ve dreamt of you saying things like that for so long. All I wanted was you back, but you know what I realized. I can’t. I can’t trust you. I really thought you were the one, but I just don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll get over it, but right now…I can’t,” You said and then rushed out of the bathroom to find your friend. Sobbing like a lunatic, you pulled her out of the club and told her what happened. On the walk home, she told you she was both surprised and proud of you. And you couldn’t help but think that she was right. This night was life changing for you. 

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